Author Topic: 4.0.1 upgrade from 3.3.5  (Read 1688 times)


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4.0.1 upgrade from 3.3.5
« on: October 19, 2017, 08:43:07 pm »

We are working on getting our application upgraded from 3.3.5 to 4.0.1.

We have ran into an issue that we are trying to resolve. When clicking on the row Numbers. We get the following error.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at getCoord (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:14:14187)
    at e.addBlock (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:14:13069)
    at r.Selection.replace (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:14:23789)
    at r.Selection.replace (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:14:16804)
    at r.Selection.resizeOrReplace (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:14:23659)
    at e.n._onCellMouseDown (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:15:6294)
    at t.(anonymous function).(anonymous function).<anonymous> (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:15:5243)
    at o (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:9:1089)
    at t.(anonymous function).(anonymous function).i._trigger (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:9:1542)
    at t.(anonymous function).(anonymous function).l._onMouseDownCell (http://X/Scripts/pqgrid.min.js:10:19737)

 What could the possible issues be? The grid overall is working, however we cannot select rows or paste data due to not being able to select rows.


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Re: 4.0.1 upgrade from 3.3.5
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2017, 10:20:41 pm »
Have you upgraded your code as per the upgrade guide

and there is an example on cell selections, on which click on row numbers work fine without error.

Please use jQueryUI version 1.11.4. Which version of jQuery you have been using?

If there is still an error, could you please use instead of pqgrid.min.js to capture the error stack trace. That would be more helpful to find out the issue.