Hello Param,
Thanks for the answer
What can I do to write "Test2" to column "B" at the same time?
Also, the buttons move out of the column. I'm doing width-40, but is not that enough?
Is the "Custom Input Create" incorrect?
var HucreS = function(ui) {
var $cell = ui.$cell,
rowData = ui.rowData,
dataIndx = ui.dataIndx,
width = parseInt(ui.column.width) - 40,
cls = ui.cls;
var dc = $.trim(rowData[dataIndx]);
$cell.append("<input type='text' name='" + dataIndx + "' id='" + dataIndx + "' value='" + dc + "' class='" + cls + " fl ls' style='z-index: 40000;width:" + width + "px;'/>" +
"<span class='ui-widget-header fl ek' onclick=\"$('.pq-editor-focus').val('test')\"><i class='ui-icon ui-icon-search ck'></i></span>" +
"<span class='ui-widget-header fl ek' onclick=\"window.parent.Popui('../ModStok/Kart.asp?menu=h&KOD=" + dc + "',1044,521,'Stok Kart');\"><i class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus ck'></i></span>"