Unfortunately I don't have an external link to the jquery.multiselect.js library. It is documented at
But it really does not matter what library it is. What I am asking for (and this is probably a feature request and not a bug etc.) is to be able to add attributes to the JSON for the options in a "select" editor.
So currently you might have:
colModel.editor.options = [{id:1, text:"One"},{id:2, text:"Two}];
What I would like is the ability to do something like this:
colModel.editor.options = {id:1, text:"One", attributes:[{attribute: "data-image-src", value: "../images/joy.png"}]},
{id:2, text:"Two", attributes:[{attribute: "data-image-src", value: "../images/sad.png"}]}];
This would then create the HTML "select" element with the options and the options would have the "data-image-src" attribute applied to them. Currently the only thing you can add is the pq_disabled and pq_selected properties. Maybe this could simply be a pq_attributes property.
What I have done as a workaround is to add the data-image-src property to the colModel JSON during the init function for the dropdown. I pull the data-image-src property from the colModel and attach them to the options in the HTML select before calling the mulltiselect library to initialize its version of the dropdown.
Hope this helps. And as I said this probably is more of a feature request. It is not urgent to us since we have a work around.