,{title: 'Boya Termin', dataIndx: 'SP_HEDEFTERMIN', width:85,dataType:'date',format:'dd/mm/yy',formatRaw:'dd/mm/yy',editable:true,clsHead:'pqu' ,filter: { crules: [{ condition:'between'}]} ,editor: {type: 'textbox',init: dateEditor} ,render: function (ui) {return {cls:ui.rowData['SP_HEDEFTERMINRENK']};}}
var dateEditor = function (ui) { var $inp = ui.$cell.find("input"), grid = this, validate = function (that) { var valid = grid.isValid({ dataIndx: ui.dataIndx, value: $inp.val(), rowIndx: ui.rowIndx }).valid; if (!valid) { that.firstOpen = false; } }; //initialize the editor $inp .on("input", function (evt) { /*validate(this);*/ }) .datepicker({ dateFormat:'dd/mm/yy', showButtonPanel: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showAnim: '', onSelect: function () { this.firstOpen = true; /*validate(this);*/ }, beforeShow: function (input, inst) { setTimeout(function(){ //to fix the issue of datepicker z-index when grid is in maximized state. $('.ui-datepicker').css('z-index', 999999999999); }); return !this.firstOpen; }, onClose: function () { this.focus(); } });}