I am using "dataType: 'xml'" to load my data.
I am using Microsoft SQL to prepare the xml file.
SQL gives me such output. :
https://yadi.sk/i/tD0hZNuQDgasrQColumns with datatype "float" are unfortunately listed this way. 1.800000e+002 etc.
When viewing data in the Grid, dataType: 'float', format: '#, ###. 00 'makes it easier to view because I use it this way.
The screen output is very good.
Screen Picture:
https://yadi.sk/i/1aEjTtBjS404AgBut when I want to edit the cell, it looks like this picture.
Screen Picture:
https://yadi.sk/i/7qHymFIXYiGvyQWhen I export to Excel, I get a similar image.
Screen Picture:
https://yadi.sk/i/JdwRARlPZvwaWQCan I change the display of data when editing Excel and Cell?