Please help me.
I have upgraded the version of pqgrid from 3.3.4 to 7.0.0.
Then I get an error and am in trouble.
I used updateRow method.
Then, an error occurs in IE.
Call x at line 7015 of pqgrid.dev.php, but x is undefined.
The operation I performed is the content of "test simple html".
In this case, "e is undefined" occurs at line 1840.
The difference with what I want to do is that the data location is local or remote.
Best regards.
=== test simple html ===
<div id="testGrid"></div>
function custRender(ui) {
return { text: "<div><input id='r1' type='radio' value='0' onchange='valChange(this);' /><label for='r1'>OK</label>"
+ "<input id='r2' type='radio' value='1' onchange='valChange(this);' /><label for='r2'>NG</label></div>" }
function valChange(obj) {
var ary = [];
ary["ContactName"] = obj.value;
$("#testGrid").pqGrid("updateRow", { rowIndx: 0, newRow: ary, checkEditable:false});
$(function() {
var colModel = [{"title":"ID","dataType":"string","dataIndx":"OrderID"}
, {"title":"name","dataType":"string","dataIndx":"ContactName","width":150, "render":function(ui) { return custRender(ui); }}
var dataModel = {"location":"local"
,"data": [{ "OrderID":"1", "ContactName":""}]};
var obj = {"width":"auto","height":"400","minHeight":"200","showTitle":true,"stripeRows":true,"showTop":false};
obj.colModel = colModel;
obj.dataModel = dataModel;
var grid = $("#testGrid").pqGrid(obj);