Author Topic: Data disappear after using 7.2  (Read 3158 times)


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Data disappear after using 7.2
« on: April 21, 2020, 01:00:36 pm »

We use the version 7.2 and meet this,please see the pictures  in attachment , here is the steps:

1.Do fillter in one column.
2.Open another filter window,then close.
3.Check sellct all. All data gone.

Here is the table options:

   var colM = [ {
      align : "center",
      cb : {
         header : true,
         select : true,
         all : true
      dataIndx : '',
      type : 'checkbox',
      dataType : 'bool',
      editor : false,
      sortable : false,
      menuIcon : false,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'cnNme',
      title : 'name',
      editor : {
         type : "textbox",
      width : 100,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'collegeNme',
      title : 'college',
      editor : {
         type : "textbox",
         init : colCollegeEditor
      width : 200,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'sexNme',
      title : 'sex',
      editor : {
         type : "textbox",
         init : colSexEditor
      width : 100,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'birth',
      title : 'birth',
      editor : {
         type : "textbox",
         init : dts.pqGrid.dateEditor
      width : 200,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'countryCde',
      title : 'country',
      editor : {
         type : "textbox",
         init : colCountryEditor
      width : 100,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'cityNme',
      title : 'city',
      editor : {
         type : "textbox",
         init : colCityEditor
      width : 150,
   }, {
      dataIndx : 'marry',
      title : 'marry',
      align : "center",
      type : 'checkbox',
      dataType : 'bool',
      editor : false,
      width : 100,
   } ];

   var option = {
      dataModel : {
         location : "local", // local / remote
         recIndx : "uuid" // UUID
      sortModel : {
         type : 'local', // local / remote
         single : true,
         multiKey : 'shiftKey'
      colModel : colM,
      showTop : false,
      numberCell : {
         show : false
      fillHandle : "",
      selectionModel : {
         type : 'cell',
         mode : "single"
      editModel : {
         saveKey : $.ui.keyCode.ENTER,
         keyUpDown : false,
         clicksToEdit : 1
      trackModel : {
         on : true
      menuIcon : true,
      groupModel : {
         checkbox : true,

        var tableDate = [ {
      uuid : '1111',
      cnNme : 'YYY',
      collegeUuid : 'collegeuuid0001',
      collegeNme : 'college1',
      sexCde : 'M',
      sexNme : 'male',
      birth : '2000-01-01 01:00:00',
      countryCde : 'CN',
      countryUuid : 'countryUuid001',
      cityNme : 'Shanghai',
      cityUuid : 'cityUuid001',
      marry : true
   }, {
        uuid : '2222',
        cnNme : 'XXX',
        collegeUuid : 'collegeuuid0002',
        collegeNme : 'college2',
        sexCde : 'F',
        sexNme : 'female',
        birth : '2010-01-01 01:00:00',
        countryCde : 'CN',
        countryUuid : 'countryUuid001',
        cityNme : 'Dalian',
        cityUuid : 'cityUuid002',
        marry : false
    } , {
        uuid : '2222',
        cnNme : 'XXX',
        collegeUuid : 'collegeuuid0002',
        collegeNme : 'college3',
        sexCde : 'F',
        sexNme : 'female',
        birth : '2010-01-01 01:00:00',
        countryCde : 'CN',
        countryUuid : 'countryUuid001',
        cityNme : 'Dalian',
        cityUuid : 'cityUuid0044',
        marry : false
    } ]


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Re: Data disappear after using 7.2
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2020, 02:55:42 pm »
I've created a jsfiddle with your code and [email protected], I don't see the mentioned issue be performing the steps.

Please look out for errors in the browser console and try to reproduce the issue if any in the jsfiddle itself.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 02:59:54 pm by paramvir »


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Re: Data disappear after using 7.2
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2020, 08:10:35 am »
It reproduces too

1. sex select 'Condition:equal female' , left 2 records.
2. college select 'Condition:equal ',then lost focus (not click 'OK') , click select all.All data disappear


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Re: Data disappear after using 7.2
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2020, 07:27:41 pm »
Thanks for reporting issue, I'm able to reproduce it. I'm moving it to bug log for further analysis.


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Re: Data disappear after using 7.2
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2020, 05:10:15 pm »
This issue would be fixed in upcoming versions.

Meanwhile you can use this patch to fix it. Please include the patch file just after including pqgrid js file.

Patch fix can be verified in this jsfiddle:
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 05:14:39 pm by paramvir »


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Re: Data disappear after using 7.2
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2020, 06:45:08 am »
Noted ,Thanks your support