I am having the devil's own time getting the table width to be predictable.
> I've tried setting each column to add up to a total of 1080px, but the cols will wrap and squish down to the smallest size as if flexWidth had been invoked
> I've tried flexWidth and it just straight up chops about half the end off the end column
>i''ve tried setting the width = sum of the set column widths + border and padding allowance - with and without flexWidth it only displays about half the columns
I could live with the basic output if it werent for the fact that I have multiple tables with different col requirements on that screen and I would very much like to to line them up on the page so they keep nice looking.
A simplistic outline of what I'm trying to do:
<tr><td colspan=2>< paramquery table#1 100% width here ></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2>< paramquery table#2 100% width here ></td></tr>
<td width=50%>< paramquery table#3 100% width here ></td>
<td width=50%>< paramquery table#4 100% width here ></td>
<tr><td colspan=2>< paramquery table#5 100% width here ></td></tr>
Is there anything in this or the Pro version that I'm overlooking that addresses this??