Author Topic: Minor bug in filter  (Read 171 times)


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Minor bug in filter
« on: March 26, 2024, 06:46:04 pm »
On the drop down arrow, text is behind it if it is wide so you can't really make out the arrow (see image).  I am using JQuery UI themes.  My colModel column code is:

Code: [Select]
{dataIndx:"STATUS", minWidth:40, width:70, maxWidth:100, title:"Status", halign:"center",
format:function(c){ return equip_status_values[ c ]; }, // Draws value in the select
style: "text-align:left",
crules: [{condition: "range", value:[0, 1]}],
options: status_vals,
gridOptions: {
stripeRows: false,
height: "flex",
showHeader: false,
filterModel: {header: false},
refresh: function(event, ui){
// Make the grid width not too wide