Author Topic: Calculated cell in footer  (Read 246 times)


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Calculated cell in footer
« on: May 09, 2024, 04:46:30 pm »
I have a grid (see attached) and the only way I could think of to calculate the circled cell is using render:

Code: [Select]
return {
text: empty(ui.rowData["profit"]) || empty(ui.rowData["revenue"]) ? 0 : floatval(ui.rowData["profit"] / ui.rowData["revenue"], 4)*100 + " %"

This works fine except obviously the value won't export to Excel.  Other options are:

Code: [Select]
groupModel: {
on: true,
header: false,
grandSummary: true,
agg: {
revenue: "sum",
approved_cost: "sum",
unapproved_cost: "sum",
estimated_cost: "sum",
profit: "sum",
//margin: "avg"
formulas: [
["profit", function(rowData){ return rowData["revenue"] - rowData["approved_cost"] - rowData["unapproved_cost"] - rowData["estimated_cost"]; }],
["margin", function(rowData) {
return !rowData["profit"] || !rowData["revenue"] ? 0 : rowData["profit"] / rowData["revenue"];

I can't use "avg" because of the "0" cells (thus commented) that cause the cell calculation to be incorrect.

Is there a way calculate the footer cell so that it exports to Excel (without using "exportRender" due to an Excel issue), basically the calculation for that row is profit/revenue (being based on the cells on the footer row) or even make it use the formula for that column?


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Re: Calculated cell in footer
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2024, 10:21:10 pm »
Custom aggregate functions can be written and used if inbuilt avg function doesn't suit your requirements.


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Re: Calculated cell in footer
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2024, 01:56:17 am »
Thank you for this, however your documentation omits to mention the third parameter "data", which is all the data in the grid.

The solution for others:

Code: [Select]
pq.aggregate["margin"] = function(arr, col, data){
var profit=0,
$.each(data, function(i,v){
profit += floatval(v["profit"]);
revenue += floatval(v["revenue"]);
return profit / revenue;

Then in the grid options:

Code: [Select]
groupModel: {
on: true,
header: false,
grandSummary: true,
agg: {
revenue: "sum",
approved_cost: "sum",
unapproved_cost: "sum",
estimated_cost: "sum",
profit: "sum",
margin: "margin"
summaryTitle:{ sum: "{0}", margin:"{0}" },


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Re: Calculated cell in footer
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2024, 12:24:31 pm »
Thanks, grid data is same as array of rows which is already mentioned in the docs.