My object does not have a setting for the selection box to appear in the summary area
Also I don't know how to use SummaryTitle. I couldn't do it.
I'm trying other options for aggregation (Custom summary), but the summary field gets corrupted when I group the columns.
MycolModel: [
// This field is actually an integer field, consisting of 1 and 0. I turned the integer field into a selection box.
title: "İstisnalı",
dataIndx: "ISTISNA_FATURA", dataType: "integer", align: "center",
width: 70,
editor: false,
editable: false,
type: 'checkbox',
cb: {
all: false,
header: true,
check: 1,
uncheck: 0
render: function (ui) {
var cb = ui.column.cb,
cellData = ui.cellData,
checked = cb.check === cellData ? 'checked' : '',
disabled = this.isEditableCell(ui) ? "" : "disabled",
text = cb.check === cellData ? '1' : (cb.uncheck === cellData ? '0' : '<i>bilinmez</i>');
return {
text: "<label><input type='checkbox' " + checked + " /></label>",
These are the columns I calculated total
title: "Ft Genel Toplam", dataIndx: "FT_GENEL_TOPLAM", dataType: "float", format: '##,###.00',
summary: {
type: "sum"
title: "Tevkifatlı KDV Toplam", dataIndx: "TEVKIFATLI_KDV_TOPLAMI", dataType: "float", format: '##,###.00',
summary: { type: "sum" },
var obj_my_grid = {
showTitle: false,
editable: false,
resizable: true,
//This is the only place in the object related to the total
groupModel: {
on: true,
dataIndx: [],
collapsed: [true, true],
merge: false,
showSummary: [true, false],
grandSummary: true,
var grid_invoice_List= pq.grid("#grid_filter", obj_my_grid);