We are trying to use checkbox selection functions of pqgrid.
But we find out that belows situation cannot be done.
1. Multiple Selection columns, if we create more than 1 column of checkbox selection (script like below), when users tick BOX1, both BOX1 and BOX2 will be ticked.
{ title: "BOX1", dataIndx: "state1", width: 30, minWidth:30, align: "center", type:'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', resizable: false, sortable:false }
{ title: "BOX2", dataIndx: "state2", width: 30, minWidth:30, align: "center", type:'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', resizable: false, sortable:false }
2. Disable the use of checkboxes for certain rows, we can control the state true/false of the checkboxes in the datarow
however, we cannot disable the use of checkboxes for certain rows only, some row we have to show them to users, but it is not allowed to take any action to these rows.
could you help?