1. Setting "copy:false" did help, thank you! I'd think it may make sense to base copying off hidden:true, too. Since if I hide the column initially that probably makes sense I don't want it to be visible in any situation.
2. Here's the code where I get the error with editCell:
function LoadBlock()
if($("#grid_array").hasClass( 'pq-grid') == true )
var dataModel = {
location: "remote",
sorting: "local",
dataType: "JSON",
method: "POST",
getUrl: function (ui)
return {
url: "/..../GetData.php"
getData: function (dataJSON)
if (dataJSON.error != null)
alert ("Error: " + dataJSON.error.msg + "\n Please contact administrator with your input!");
var data = dataJSON.DataArray;
return { data: data };
error: function (err)
alert ("Error: " + err + "\n Please contact administrator with your input!");
colModel = [
{hidden: true, editable:false, dataIndx: "ID", copy:false},
{title:"Row", width:10, dataType:"string", editable: false, align:"right", dataIndx: "BlockRow"},
{title:"Col", width:10, dataType:"string", editable: false, dataIndx:"BlockColumn"},
{title:"Name", width:200, dataType:"string",editable: true, dataIndx:"Name"}
var $grid = $("#grid_array").pqGrid({
dataModel: dataModel,
colModel: colModel,
editable: true,
editModel: {clicksToEdit: 2, saveKey: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER},
editor: {type: 'textbox', select: true, style: 'outline:none;'},
scrollModel: {pace: 'fast', horizontal: true},
flexWidth: true,
flexHeight: true,
numberCell: false,
sortable: false,
freezeCols: 3
$grid.pqGrid("editCell", {rowIndx: 1, dataIndx: "Name" } );