I'm using remote paging, and I'm adding some rows dynamically upon a user action. I keep a local copy of user-added rows and add them manually in "getData" event. Then I add up whatever is gotten from server, so the final grid data consists of 2 datasets: user added and server returned.
Now the pager seems to include "user added" rows in total count (shows always 20 rows, even though 10 of them may be just user added, and I'd like to show 10+20), so I'd like to avoid that. Is there any way to do it? I tried to set "rpp" option in "getData" event to include new rows count, but that didn't help.
Here's my code:
getData: function (dataJSON)
var data = dataJSON.DataArray;
if (data == null)
data = new Array();
// insert pending requests at the top
for (var i = 0; i < pendingRequestList.length; i++)
$( "#grid_array" ).pqGrid( "option", "rPP", pendingRequestList.length + 20); // 20 is initial records per page value
return { curPage: dataJSON.curPage, totalRecords: dataJSON.totalRecords, data: data };