Hi ,
i am paramQuery grid.
i ma getting rows with staus as1 and 0.
when the status is 0, i have to mark that row as red.
I have tried with the following code.Butin vain.
Please help me in fixing this.
this.initialize = function (tab) {
loadablesTab = tab;
gridLoadables = $('#gridLoadables');
var columnModel = [
{ title: platform.strings.Node, dataIndx: "Node", width: 140, align: "left" },
{ title:platform.strings.Description, dataIndx: "Description", width: 500, align: "left" },
{ title: platform.strings.Assembly, dataIndx: "AssemblyPath", width: 500, align: "left" },
title: platform.strings.Type, dataIndx: "Type", width: 140, align: "left" },
{ title: platform.strings.Version, dataIndx: "Version", width: 70, align: "left" },
title:platform.strings.Status, dataIndx: "Status", width: 20, align: "left",
render: function (ui) {
var rowData = ui.rowData,
dataIndx = ui.dataIndx,
cellData = rowData[dataIndx];
if (typeof cellData === "undefined")
return "<span ></span>";
else {
if (cellData == "1") {
return "<span>UP</span>"
if (cellData == "0") {
var $tr = gridLoadables.pqGrid("getRow", { rowIndxPage: ui.rowIndx });
$tr.context.css("color", "red");
//gridLoadables.pqGrid("option", { pq_rowcls: "red" });
return "<span>DOWN</span>"
width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
editable: false,
topVisible: false,
bottomVisible: false,
numberCell: false,
roundCorners: false,
wrap: false,
colModel: columnModel,
dataModel: { data: [] },
scrollModel: { pace: 'consistent', horizontal: false },
function searchLoadables() {
type: 'GET',
url: searchUrl,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
processdata: false,
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
gridLoadables.pqGrid("option", "dataModel", { data: loadables });
error: function (request, status, error) {