Author Topic: Strange Behaviour in Edit Cell with Internet Explorer  (Read 3591 times)


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Strange Behaviour in Edit Cell with Internet Explorer
« on: July 25, 2016, 02:47:25 pm »
I use inline editing like your "Batch Editing" example.  It works fine but I have an odd behaviour in IE11 that I hope you can help with.

When I double click on the cell it activates the text box for editing, but in Internet Explorer if I move the mouse away from the cell the cursor jumps out of the cell and appears in the extreme top left of the grid.  I don't see this behaviour in Chrome which works perfectly.

I guess this must be a css parameter that I've got wrong somewhere...perhaps something to do with 'hover' but I don't really know where to look.  What should I be looking for to change css parameters related to edittext boxes and probably pqselect.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.


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Re: Strange Behaviour in Edit Cell with Internet Explorer
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2016, 06:37:39 pm »
I couldn't reproduce the mentioned issue in IE11.

can you please share a jsfiddle so that I can look into it.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 06:51:04 pm by paramquery »


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Re: Strange Behaviour in Edit Cell with Internet Explorer
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2016, 11:29:54 pm »
Thanks. I haven't mastered things in jsfiddle yet, sorry.

I have managed to recreate the problem using your examples, perhaps you could check it out for me...or spot what I'm doing wrong.

I've changed two lines in your "Grid Parts" demo so that the obj variable is now as follows...

        var obj = {       
            height: 360,
            showTop: false,
            showBottom: false,
            //collapsible: false,
            showHeader: false,
            roundCorners: false,
            rowBorders: false,
            columnBorders: false,                                   
            selectionModel: { type: 'cell' },
      hoverMode: 'row',
//            numberCell: { show: false },
      numberCell: { show: true, resizable: true, title: "" },
            stripeRows: false,
            title: "Grid Constituents",
            toolbar: {
                items: [
                { type: "button", label: 'button on toolbar' }

The changes are to include hovermode as row, and enable the number cell.  Then I clicked "Edit and Run" and it showed the same behaviour as I get (remember only with IE11 not with Chrome).
Then double click a cell to edit the cell text contents, but before typing move the mouse outside the text box and you may find the cursor and text vanish and a tiny text box and cursor appear in the very top left position of the grid.

Let me know if this recreates with you as well and I look forward to your advice on which element I've got wrong or missed when setting the grid up in this way.

Many thanks.



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Re: Strange Behaviour in Edit Cell with Internet Explorer
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2016, 11:38:19 pm »
I've just tested the same thing with your v3.3 demo and it works editing problem.

You will see the problem in v3.2 though.  I am still using v3.2.  Are you able to explain the difference, or the fix that happened with v3.3?

I can see that I shouldn't put off the upgrade to v3.3 any longer.