Hi, I'm having a little problem, apparently is adding an empty column , or for some reason it is appearing a space at the end of the grid
My colModel
var colModel = [
{title:"ID", width:"0%", dataType:"string",dataIndx: "eti_id",hidden:true,editable:false},
{title:"Pagina", width:"20%", dataType:"string",dataIndx: "eti_pag_cod",nodrag:true,editable:false},
{title:"Codigo", width:"20%", dataType:"string",dataIndx: "eti_cod",nodrag:true,editable:false},
{title:"Etiqueta", width:"60%", dataType:"string",dataIndx: "eti_val",nodrag:true}
I tried whit width and minWidth, whit % and px, Any idea what it could be? Thanks.