Author Topic: CheckBox Header doesn't show  (Read 1740 times)


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CheckBox Header doesn't show
« on: September 29, 2016, 03:08:03 am »

I'm trying to make a checkbox column but checkbox header doesn't show and when I check a checkbox. browser console throws me next error:

Code: [Select]
TypeError: this.$inp is undefined
My colModel is:

Code: [Select]
{ title: "", type:'checkBoxSelection', sortable: false, align: 'center', dataType: "bool", cls: 'ui-state-default', dataIndx: "state" },
{ title: "Concepto", width: 300, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Concept", editable: false, sortable: false },
{ title: "Monto", width: 100, dataType: "float", dataIndx: "ConceptPriceTax", editable: false, sortable: false },
{ title: "Fechas de Pago", width: 250, align: "center", colModel:[
    { title: "Inicial", width: 100, dataType: "date", dataIndx: "InitialPaymentDate", editable: false },
    { title: "Final", width: 100, dataType: "date", dataIndx: "FinalPaymentDate", editable: false },

My selectionModel is:
Code: [Select]
selectionModel: { type: "none", cbHeader: true, cbAll: true },

I don't use filtermodel but I use rows grouped.

Someone could help me please?