Thank you for your support.
I have also applied the least children,
Single level:
{ title:function(ui){
dataType: "string",width: "3%",align: "center",cls:"mandatoryHdrBkgrnd", dataIndx: "inout",editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
},render :function(ui){
return handleCellOnCondition(ui);
filter: {
type: 'textbox',
condition: 'contain',
listeners: ['keyup']
} ,
editorTemplate: "<allow-values type='alphabetsAB' keyrestrict='1' />"},
Mulitilevel :
{ title: function(ui){
return doTranslateHeader("first1");
}, width: "3%", dataType: "string",cls:"optionalHdrBkgrnd", align: "center", editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
{ title: function(ui){
return doTranslateHeader("delivery");
}, width: "8%", dataType: "string",cls:"optionalHdrBkgrnd", align: "center", editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
}, colModel:[
{ title: function(ui){
return doTranslateHeader("time");
}, width: "5%", dataType: "string",cls:"optionalHdrBkgrnd", align: "center", dataIndx: "deliveryTime1_first_1_deliveryTime",editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
},filter: {
type: 'textbox',
condition: 'contain',
listeners: ['keyup']
,editorTemplate: "<allow-values type='alphabetsAB' keyrestrict='1' />"}]
{ title: function(ui){
return doTranslateHeader("pickUp");
}, width: "3%", dataType: "string",cls:"optionalHdrBkgrnd", align: "center", editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
}, colModel: [
{ title: function(ui){
return doTranslateHeader("dayN");
},width: "5%", dataType: "string",cls:"optionalHdrBkgrnd", align: "center", dataIndx: "deliveryTime1_first_1_pickUpDayN",editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
},filter: {
type: 'textbox',
condition: 'contain',
listeners: ['keyup']
editorTemplate: "<allow-values type='alphabetsAB' keyrestrict='1' />",validations: [
{ type: 'minLen', value: '', cls:'error-required',warn: true },
{ type: 'minLen', value: '2', msg: 'Better more than 5 chars',cls:'error', warn: true },
{ title: function(ui){
return doTranslateHeader("time");
}, width: "3%", dataType: "string",cls:"optionalHdrBkgrnd", align: "center", dataIndx: "deliveryTime1_first_1_pickUpTime ",editable: function(ui){
return editableCheck(ui);
},filter: {
type: 'textbox',
condition: 'contain',
listeners: ['keyup']
}, editor: { type: "textbox"}}
] }
* Directive for validation starts
function NumbericDirective(){
restrict: 'AE',
link: function($scope, $ele, attr){
//var dataLen = attr.keyrestrict;
var type = attr.type;
if(type == 'alphabetsOnly'){
else if(type == 'alphabetsAB'){
else if(type == 'allCharacters'){
*Checks for regular expression
function checkField(scope,attr,regexp){
scope.editor = {
type: 'textbox',
attr:'maxlength = '+attr.keyrestrict,
init: function(ui){
var $inp = ui.$cell.find("input");
//$inp.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
/*if($inp.val().length >= 4){
var regex = new RegExp(regexp);
var key = String.fromCharCode(!event.charCode ? event.which : event.charCode);
if (!regex.test(key)) {
if(event.which != 8 || event.keyCode !=
return false;
*Accept all character start here
function allCharacter(scope,attr){
scope.editor = {
type: 'textbox',
attr:'maxlength = '+attr.keyrestrict,