Author Topic: Pqgrid slowness  (Read 2018 times)


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Pqgrid slowness
« on: May 11, 2018, 02:55:25 am »
I am using grid version 3.4.
I have loaded the grid in tab control with 5100 records. I have enabled VirtualX: true and VirtualY: true

After I have loaded the data, the column resizing is very slowed also column selector checking and unchecking takes 1 minute.

The columns have range based filters.  This is affecting grid performance.

                  title: "Code",
                  width: 75,
                  copy: true,
                  dataIndx: "Code",
                  //filter: { type: 'textbox', condition: 'contain', listeners: ['keyup'], align: "center" },
                  filter: {
                      type: 'select',
                      attr: "multiple",
                      style: "height:11px;",
                      mode: "OR",
                      condition: "range",                     
                      valueIndx: "Code",
                      labelIndx: "Code",
                      prepend: { '': '--Select--', "%empty%": 'Empty' },
                      listeners: [
                              'change': function (evt, ui) {
                                          oper: 'add',
                                          data: [
                                                  dataIndx: ui.dataIndx,
                                                  condition: (ui.value == "%empty%" ? "empty" : "range"),
                                                  value: ui.value
                      init: function () {
                          $(this).pqSelect({ checkbox: true, radio: true, width: '100%' });

« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 04:08:06 am by kshipra »


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Re: Pqgrid slowness
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 04:32:07 pm »
There is small v in virtualX and virtualY


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Re: Pqgrid slowness
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 06:17:14 pm »
In my code it is virtualX: true,
                       virtualY: true,

When range checkbox filters are removed then grid is normal otherwise it is hard to use the grid. It slows down scrolling, resizing, selecting a column is very slow.