Thanks for the reply. Yes, its for remote filtering. Below is the code to add the condition:
pq.filter.conditions.fallswithdays = {
filter: {
attr: "",
cls: "",
style: "",
type: 'textbox',
init: pq.filter.textbox
date: 1,
number: 1,
stringList: 1,
$.paramquery.pqGrid.defaults.strConditions.fallswithdays = "Falls within (days)";
This is added to a Property which is a Date Field. The standard conditions work correctly.
The controller method is hit but the pq_filter variable is always null.
The user wants to be able to save a grid with a INTEGER value and show records with a date period from the day the grid loads + the INTEGER value added -
So basically "DateField"<= Datetime.Now.AddDays(INTEGER VALUE).
Any help would be great.