Author Topic: ParamQuery Odd Behavior: On click Minimize icon and then Full Screen icon  (Read 2501 times)


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When we click minimize icon (last icon on upper right side on PQ Grid) and then click on Full screen icon (second last icon on upper right corner on PQ Grid), PQ Grid behaves strange and clean all content on page. 

At present, we have search criteria and search result sections on our page. We have standard controls on search criteria section and PQ grid on search result section. Now, when user comes to page and click on minimize icon (last icon on upper right side on PQ Grid) and then click on Full screen icon (second last icon on upper right corner on PQ Grid) on PQ Grid, PQ Grid will remove (clean) all content on page even PQ Grid itself.

Can you please suggest what settings do we need to put to control this behavior on PQ Grid?

Hardik Zaveri.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 03:11:42 am by HardikKumar.Zaveri »


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PQ Grid will remove (clean) all content on page even PQ Grid itself.

Removing all content is normal behavior when both icons are clicked. But the grid ( in slide up state ) should remain on screen to restore the state.

Could you please share a jsfiddle / plnkr to reproduce the issue.

You can also remove one or both the icons by using collapsible option
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 09:38:16 am by paramquery »


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I am not much aware of jsfiddle/plnkr. Can you please guide me on how do I share jsfiddle / plnkr for my web page?

Also, can you please suggest is there a to hide one or both icons through css class? The reason for asking this instead of making changes in all windows, we need to make change at one place which gets applied to all places which has PQ Grid.

Hardik Zaveri.


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Please use this plnkr for reference:

Both icons can be hidden globally by adding these 2 lines after loading pqgrid js file.

Code: [Select]
jQuery.paramquery.pqGrid.defaults.collapsible.on = false;
jQuery.paramquery.pqGrid.defaults.collapsible.toggle = false;