I had posted this in the free forum before I had access here, and you asked for a jsFiddle:
I'm jumping in on a project that has 3 grids one below the other each in their own div.
Each has collapse set true as shown in the documentation.
If I click the top one to expand -- all 3 expand!
Any thoughts on either why this happens or how I can stop it?
The jsfiddle acts different than the code -- all 3 grids are opening by default and as you can see, the expand/collapse button on the lower 2 grids has the icon for expand when they are already expanded, and can't collapse.
In the code I created the jsfiddle from, the bottom two are collapsed as written in the code, and expanding the middle one expands both.
Possibly the fact that all three are opening expanded will give you enough insight to tell me what I need to do... thanks!