Author Topic: 100% table width  (Read 5260 times)


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100% table width
« on: November 07, 2013, 12:30:05 am »
I am having the devil's own time getting the table width to be predictable. 

> I've tried setting each column to add up to a total of 1080px, but the cols will wrap and squish down to the smallest size as if flexWidth had been invoked
> I've tried flexWidth and it just straight up chops about half the end off the end column
>i''ve tried setting the width = sum of the set column widths + border and padding allowance - with and without flexWidth it only displays about half the columns

I could live with the basic output if it werent for the fact that I have multiple tables with different col requirements on that screen and I would very much like to to line them up on the page so they keep nice looking.

A simplistic outline of what I'm trying to do:

<tr><td colspan=2>< paramquery table#1 100% width here ></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2>< paramquery table#2 100% width here ></td></tr>
    <td  width=50%>< paramquery table#3 100% width here ></td>
    <td  width=50%>< paramquery table#4 100% width here ></td>
<tr><td colspan=2>< paramquery table#5 100% width here ></td></tr>

Is there anything in this or the Pro version that I'm overlooking that addresses this??


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Re: 100% table width
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 10:55:58 pm »

flexwidth makes total width of the grid equal to sum total of widths of all columns, it's not appropriate in your case.

you need to listen to resize event of your grid container or the parent of container which causes a resize of grid's container and set height and width of grid in that event.

The closest example to what you are trying to do is

In your case, you might need to listen to resize event of window.