Dear All
We are pleased to announce release of version 7.4.0
Besides bug fixes, it introduces new important features.
1) Import from csv:
In addition to import from xlsx, csv files can also be imported now into the grid.
2) Pivot:
A new pivot mode when no column is present in the group by column pane.
3) Row resize:
Rows can be resized by dragging of number cell bottom edge similar to any spreadsheet application.
4) Drag and drop enhancements:
Dragged nodes and potential parent nodes highlighted with help of css classes.
5) Treegrid DnD enhancements:
1. Root nodes can also be dragged and dropped. Root nodes can be made children of other nodes and vice versa.
2. Leaf nodes can be converted into Folder / Parent nodes by dropping other nodes on them.
3. Nodes can be dropped in blank area.
Best Regards
The ParamQuery Team