Author Topic: Tab in last column does not go to first column of next row  (Read 1630 times)


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Tab in last column does not go to first column of next row
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:58:38 am »

I recently switched from version 3.5 to 7.5. When I use the 3.5 code when I tab to the end of a row the next tab takes me to the first column of the next row. Now that I've switched to 7.5 this is no longer happening?

Can you tell me what I need to do to make this work in version 7.5?


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Re: Tab in last column does not go to first column of next row
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 12:52:43 pm »
Here is example code for what I'm doing if it helps.
   var griditemobj = {
      title: "<B>Event Editor</B>",
      height: 'calc(100% - 55px)',
      allowInvalid: true,
      rowBorders: true,
      columnBorders: true,
      stripeRows : false,
        resizable: true,
      collapsible: { on: false, toggle: false , css: { margin: "50px 0 55px 200px" }},//toggled: true,
      editor: { select: true },
      numberCell: { show: true },
      scrollModel: { autofit: true },
      swipeModel: { on: true },
      trackModel: { on: true }, //to turn on the track changes.
        filterModel: { header: true, type: 'local', menuIcon: true },
      sortModel: { single: false, multiKey: 'shiftKey' },
      cellKeyDown: function( event, ui ) {
         var nextrow = ui.rowIndx;
         var nextcol = ui.colIndx;
         // deal with add row with tab at last cell
         var totalRecords = this.option('').length - 1;
         var totalcolumns = this.getColModel().length - 1;
         if (event.keyCode == 9 && ui.rowIndx == totalRecords && ui.colIndx == totalcolumns ) {
            var dt = new Date();
            var usetime = dt.getHours() + ":" + dt.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0') ;
            var rowData = { griditemnumber: 0, commandid: "6", command: "First", movestatusid: 1, status: "New", startdate: jsstartdate, starttime: usetime, iskey: false}; //new row initial contents

            var newrow = addRowLocal(rowData);            
      toolbar: {
         items: [
            { type: 'button', icon: 'ui-icon-plus', label: 'New', listener:
               { "click": function (evt, ui) {
                  var dt = new Date();
                  var usetime = dt.getHours() + ":" + dt.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0') ;
                  var rowData = { filename: '&', griditemnumber: GLOBAL.nextnum, commandid: "6", command: "Contextual", statusid: 1, status: "Pending", startdate: jsstartdate, starttime: usetime, modeid: 1, modewhat: "New", iskey: false }; //new row initial contents
                  var returnval = addRowLocal(rowData);
             { type: 'separator' },
            { type: 'button', icon: 'ui-icon-disk', label: 'Save', cls: 'changes', listener:
               { "click": function (evt, ui) {
               options: { disabled: true }
                { type: 'separator' },
                    type: 'button', icon: 'ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-s', label: 'Undo', cls: 'changes', listener: function () {
                        this.history({ method: 'undo' });
                    options: { disabled: true }
                    type: 'button', icon: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-s', label: 'Redo', listener: function () {
                        this.history({ method: 'redo' });
                    options: { disabled: true }
      history: function (evt, ui) {
         var $tb = this.toolbar();
         if (ui.canUndo != null) {
            $("button.changes", $tb).button("option", { disabled: !ui.canUndo });
         if (ui.canRedo != null) {
            $("button:contains('Redo')", $tb).button("option", "disabled", !ui.canRedo);
         $("button:contains('Undo')", $tb).button("option", { label: 'Undo (' + ui.num_undo + ')' });
         $("button:contains('Redo')", $tb).button("option", { label: 'Redo (' + ui.num_redo + ')' });

      colModel: [
         { title: "ID", dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "moveid", editable: true, hidden: true},
         { title: "#", minWidth: 50, maxWidth: 60, dataType: "string", align: "center", dataIndx: "griditemnumber", editable: true, hidden: false,
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (!cellData) {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
                filter: { menuIcon: false },
         { title: "Key", type: "checkbox", minWidth: 40, maxWidth: 40, dataType: "bool", align: "center", dataIndx: 'iskey', editor: true,
                cb: {all: false, header: false},
                filter: { crules: [{ condition: "equal" }] }
         { title: "Date", minWidth: 75, maxWidth: 90, align: "center", editable: true, dataIndx: "startdate", dataType: 'date',
            editor: {
               type: 'textbox',
               init: dateEditor
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (cellData) {
                  return $.datepicker.formatDate('m/d/y', new Date(cellData));
               } else {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
            validations: [
               { type: 'regexp', value: '^([0]?[1-9]|[1][0-2])[./-]([0]?[1-9]|[1|2][0-9]|[3][0|1])[./-]([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2})$', msg: 'Not in m/d/yy format'  },//, warn: true
                filter: { menuIcon: false }
         { title: "Time", minWidth: 60, maxWidth: 75, align: "center", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "starttime",
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (!cellData) {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
            validations: [
               { type: 'regexp', value: '^(([0-9])|([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):?([0-5][0-9])$', msg: 'Not in HH:MM format' }
                filter: { menuIcon: false }
         { dataIndx: "commandid", hidden: true },
         { title: "Type", minWidth: 90, maxWidth: 100, dataIndx: "command",
            editor: {
               type: 'select',
               options: arrCommands,
               valueIndx: "commandid",
               labelIndx: "command"
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (!cellData) {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain'}], listeners: ['keyup'] }
         { dataIndx: 'fromuserid', hidden: true }, //hidden column to store Id.
         { title: "From", minWidth: 150, dataIndx: "fromusername",
            editor: {
               type: 'select',
               options: arrfromusers,
               valueIndx: "fromuserid",
               labelIndx: "fromusername"
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (!cellData) {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain'}], listeners: ['keyup'] }

         { dataIndx: "touserid", hidden: true },
         { title: "To", minWidth: 150, dataIndx: "tousername",
            editor: {
               type: 'select',
               options: arrtousers,
               valueIndx: "touserid",
               labelIndx: "tousername"
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (!cellData) {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain'}], listeners: ['keyup'] }
         { title: "Subject", minWidth: 200, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "namefield",
            editor: {
               type: 'textarea', attr:'rows=3'
            render: function (ui) {
               var cellData = ui.cellData;
               if (!cellData) {
                        return {cls: 'pq-cell-blue-tr'};
                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain'}], listeners: ['keyup'] }

         { dataIndx: "modeid", hidden: true },
         { title: "Mode", minWidth: 80, maxWidth: 90, dataIndx: "modewhat",
            editor: {
               type: 'select',
               options: arrmode,
               valueIndx: "modeid",
               labelIndx: "mode"
                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain'}], listeners: ['keyup'] }
         { title: "", editable: false, minWidth: 40, maxWidth: 40, width: 40, align: "center", sortable: false, title: "Del", dataIndx: "Del",
            render: function (ui) {
               return "<button type='button' class='ui-button ui-corner-all ui-state-default ui-button-icon-only delete_btn'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-trash'></span></button>";
            postRender: function (ui) {
               var grid = this,
                  $cell = grid.getCell(ui);

                  .bind("click", function (evt) {
                     $griditemgrid.addClass({ rowIndx: ui.rowIndx, cls: 'pq-row-delete' });

                     var ans = window.confirm("Are you sure to delete griditem Number " + ui.rowData.griditemnumber + "?");
                     if (ans) {
                        $griditemgrid.deleteRow({ rowIndx: ui.rowIndx });
                     else {
                        $griditemgrid.removeClass({ rowIndx: ui.rowIndx, cls: 'pq-row-delete' });
                filter: { menuIcon: false }
      postRenderInterval: -1, //call postRender synchronously.
      dataModel: {
         dataType: "JSON",
         sorting: "local",
         sortIndx: "startdate",
         sortDir: "up",
         location: "remote",
         recIndx: "moveid",
         url: "/url/&returnFormat=json",
         getData: function (response) {
            return { data: response };
   var $griditemgrid = pq.grid("#griditem_editing", griditemobj);


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Re: Tab in last column does not go to first column of next row
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2021, 11:46:14 am »

I was wondering if you had any information yet on how to fix this issue?



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Re: Tab in last column does not go to first column of next row
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2021, 03:46:56 pm »
This feature is no longer available since v5

However you can customize it to make it work the way you want.

e.g this code would shift the focus and selection to next row when tab is pressed in last column.

Code: [Select]
cellKeyDown: function( event, ui ) {

var ri = ui.rowIndx, grid = this,
ci = ui.colIndx,
totalRows = grid.pageData().length,
totalcolumns = grid.getColModel().length;
if (event.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.TAB && ci == totalcolumns - 1 && ri < totalRows - 1) {
grid.Range({r1:ri+1, c1: 0}).select();
grid.focus({rowIndxPage: ri+1, colIndx: 0});

Please note that the above logic is based on the assumption that there are no hidden columns in the beginning and end and no hidden rows at the bottom. Please feel free to customize the code as per your requirements.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 05:30:05 pm by paramvir »