Dear All
Version 8.1.0 has been released with bug fixes and following major updates:
1. Enhancement in virtual rendering: Previously virtual rendering was limited to the grid
viewport only while the latest update in virtual rendering makes the grid much more faster and less resource hungry in following cases too:
a. When grid height is large or is set to flex with large number of records, only the rows which lie within intersection of browser viewport and grid viewport at any instant are rendered.
b. When grid lies outside the browser viewport vertically, rendering of grid rows is mostly skipped.
2. Tab UI: Tab user interface has been integrated with the grid which helps in following ways:
a. Organize multiple worksheets and set formulae dependencies between them in a single workbook.
b. Dislay multiple related grids, pivot grids, spreadsheets or treegrids in a single tabbed UI.
Please note that Tab UI is available in Ultimate and OEM only.
3. Summary row: Option to display summary row at top.
4. Conditional formatting of cells: One of its application is export very large numbers to Excel as text instead of numbers with Exponential notation.
5. Support for formula columns in Pivot.
6. Option for end user to set format for cells.
Best Regards
The ParamQuery Team