I use free version before. And I replace it with pro version today. Then I met a problem with my original codes.
I checked pro API about the "editor" option. Then I try to display a pick list in a cell. Please have a look with the following codes:
{ title: "Product", width: 152, dataIndx: "product",
type: function(ui){
dropDownEditor(ui, productList);
getData: function(ui) {
{ title: "ProductID", width: 70, dataType: "string",align: "center", dataIndx: "productId",hidden:false,editable: false}
Generate a pick list, my data is a id-name list, so I set Id as option value and name as display name:
function dropDownEditor(ui, arr) {
var $cell = ui.$cell,
rowData = ui.rowData,
dataIndx = ui.dataIndx,
width = ui.column.width,
cls = ui.cls;
var dc = $j.trim(rowData[dataIndx]);
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (dc == arr[i])
str += "<option data-id='" + arr[i].Id + "' selected>" + arr[i].Name + "</option>";
str += "<option data-id='" + arr[i].Id + "' >" + arr[i].Name + "</option>";
var $sel = $j("<select style='width:150px;' onchange='chooseProduct()'>" + str + "</select>").appendTo($cell);
By the above codes, I can generate a picklist in my cell just like free version. Then when I select on value from pick list I will get this value and name, set value in my "productId" cell and set name in "product" cell.
function saveProduct(ui){
var $cell = ui.$cell;
var DM = $j("#grid_json").pqGrid("option", "dataModel");
var gridData = DM.data;
gridData[ui.rowIndx]['productId'] = $cell.children().find('option:selected').attr('data-id');
$j("#grid_json").pqGrid( "refreshCell", { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx, dataIndx: 'productId' } );
return $cell.children().val();
The problem is I can get id and name, and can set id to "productId" cell, but I can't set product name in "product" cell.
So do you know why this happened?
Thank you!