Hi Team,
The issue with delete multiple
1.When grid is initially loaded and select all rows its working fine no issue.
2.But when we scroll down its loading some more rows and select all and try to delete its not deleted for first time but in second time click its working. can you please help me here I need to delete records for when user is going to click first time he don't need to click on second time.
Here is code
var arr = [];
ids.map(function (value) {
arr.push({ rowIndx: value });
rowList: arr
jalert("cancelConfirm", "hide");
var gridID = $($(e).parent('div').prevObject[0].currentTarget).closest('.jsGridContainer')[0].id;
bdeleteRecord = true;
$("#" + gridID + " .jsSaveChanges").trigger('click');
Here is saveMethode
if (grid.isDirty() && grid.isValidChange({ focusInvalid: true }).valid) {}
grid.isDirty() is getting false for first click