In the demo Editors & validations(, for column ShipVia2 there is no limit-in-list for value in select. Would you like to help to show how to make? And use Ctrl+v, user can copy almost any unexpected data to select(s) and save them to database by batch(When user does this, there is only blank in select, in fact the data has be stored in value of select). Is there a solution for it? Here is the code from demo:
title: "Shipping Via2", dataIndx: "ShipVia2", width: 110,
cls: 'pq-dropdown pq-side-icon',
editor: {
type: 'select',
init: function (ui) {
setTimeout(function () {
options: [
{ "SE": "Speedy Express" },
{ "UP": "United Package" },
{ "FS": "Federal Shipping" }
//render required to display options text corresponding to value stored in the cell.
render: function (ui) {
var option = ui.column.editor.options.find(function (obj) {
return (obj[ui.cellData] != null);
return option ? option[ui.cellData] : "";