Hello, I'm tbum,
I use treeModel to represent the grid.
When I did addNode, I temporarily set the id value to "pq_tmp_~~~".
And after saving is complete.
and the commit worked fine.
If addNode is executed once more
When the getChanges function is executed, it tries to save 2 rows including the row saved before addList.
So I ran grid.commit() // no args .
I wonder if writing the code as above is correct programming.
Currently I am using paramquery 8.x. I wonder if it's because of that.
And after I addNode and save. When I tried to add one more node to the just-added node, it was added to the last row of the entire grid, so when I checked it in debug mode, I found that the id of the previously created node was still "pq_tmp_~~~" in the cache.
How can I update both cache and dataModel.data after save?
const saveChanges = async () => {
//attempt to save editing cell.
// debugger;
if (grid.saveEditCell() === false) {
return false;
const orderChanged = setOrderChanges();
const parentChanged = setParentChanges();
let isChanged = false;
if (orderChanged.length > 0) {
isChanged = true;
if (grid.isDirty() && grid.isValidChange({ focusInvalid: true }).valid) {
isChanged = true;
var changes = grid.getChanges({ format: 'raw' });
// console.log(parentChanged);
legendData = await request.finances.post('/budgetAccount/saveItem', changes);
// console.log(legendData);
// return;
Object.keys(legendData).map(key => {
let data = legendData[key];
if (key === 'add') {
data.map(item => {
const rowIndx = item.pq_ri;
rowIndx: rowIndx,
cls: 'new-row',
// item.budgetIdx = item.budgetIdx.toString();
rowIndx: rowIndx,
newRow: {
budgetIdx: item.budgetIdx,
budgetCode: item.budgetCode,
displayCode: item.displayCode,
checkEditable: false,
history: false,
track: true,
return {
budgetIdx: item.budgetIdx,
// If the rows value is not entered, the budgetIdx value appears to have been updated in tmp, but it is not actually updated.
// So after saving, if you try to add a node as a child node of that node, it's like trying to reference a parentId that doesn't exist.
// misbehavior.
type: key,
rows: data,
// However, in this case, there is a problem that children such as pq_tmp_0.234234 remain uncommitted. If you call the getChanges function
// Trying to save one more time, data increases exponentially.
// Commit one more time to empty.
type: key,
} else {
type: key,
rows: data,