Author Topic: Expand/Collapse rows dynamically in a group model / tree grid  (Read 401 times)


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Hi Team,
Is it possible in pq grid to expand/collpase rows dynamically either in group model /tree grid having the button at the grid header.
see in the pic collpase.png , I am having + button in the header customer, master lf, and localfamily and all the first 4 columns are under groupmodel.
when I click on + button in the master lf header , the rows should expand as in the expand.png, i.e rows should expand upto masterlf column
similarly when I click on + button in the local family header ,  rows should expand upto localfamily column.

Is it possible to have this structure in pq grid. Please let me know


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Re: Expand/Collapse rows dynamically in a group model / tree grid
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2023, 11:45:27 am »
Yes it's possible with pqgrid,

1) use column.title callback function to add an icon in the header cell.

2) use headerCellClick event to detect click on icon in header cell.

3) use grid.Group().collapse and expand API to collapse and expand the grouping levels


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Re: Expand/Collapse rows dynamically in a group model / tree grid
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2023, 11:33:11 am »
But regarding point 3, Before expand/ collapse a particular node how to identify whether the node is in collapsed or expanded state?