Author Topic: Set the width of the sub-grid columns  (Read 3052 times)


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Set the width of the sub-grid columns
« on: March 18, 2014, 06:17:49 pm »
I have a variable larguraJanela to hold the width of the parent container of my grid.

This variable is adjusted automatically everytime the window width changes, so the view of the table is responsive.

It all works fine, except the width of the columns of the sub-grid.

No matter what width I set, they do not seem to bother. It's like they choose what width they want.

Here's a sample of the code:

var $grid = {
        width: larguraJanela, //900,
        height: 300,
        flexHeight: true,
        collapsible: false,
        wrap: false,
        hwrap: false,
        resizable: false,
        rowBorders: false,
        numberCell: {
            show: false
        track: true, //to turn on the track changes.
        scrollModel: {
            autoFit: true
        selectionModel: {
            type: ''
        //hoverMode: 'row',
        editModel: {
            saveKey: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER
        showTitle: false,
        showBottom: false,
        //title: "<b>Detalhes dos registos</b>",
        colModel: [{
            title: "id",
            dataType: "integer",
            dataIndx: "id",
            editable: false,
            hidden: true
        }, {
            title: "Data",
            width: 0.015*larguraJanela, //15,
            dataType: "string",
            dataIndx: "data",
            align: "right",


            title: "Conta",
            width: 0.03*larguraJanela, //25,
            dataType: "string",
            dataIndx: "nome_conta",
            align: "right",
            editor: {
                type: autoCompleteEditor
            validations: [{
                type: 'minLen',
                value: '1',
                msg: 'Obrigat