Dear All
It's time to upgrade to Pro version 2.2.0 as it adds many tempting features to a powerful grid asked for by ParamQuery's members which make it behave like MS Excel spreadsheet and Google docs, most prominent among them are as follows:
1) Copy / paste functionality: At times we have useful data in an Excel spreadsheet, Google spreadsheet or any other spreadsheet program which we want to move to ParamQuery Grid easily. And at other times we wish to do the opposite i.e., we want to move the data from ParamQuery to those applications and sometimes to move the data from one ParamQuery spreadsheet to another ParamQuery spreadsheet!
Copy / paste functionality of ParamQuery provides fuss free ability to do it with shortcut keys Ctrl - C, Ctrl - V, thus breaking the barrier between desktop applications and web applications.
Due to browser restrictions, copy / paste should be limited to few dozen thousand cells. As an example, this demo supports copy / paste for 1,00,000 cells. 2) Support for undo / redo. Many a times we wish to revert the changes we recently made in the grid during inline editing, copy / paste or through addRow/updateRow/deleteRow API. It's during these moments that undo comes to the rescue and sends the grid data back in time
Please check the change log included in the SDK and API for 2.2.0 for more details. Also check out the new demos to see the application of new features: Regards
The ParamQuery Team