Author Topic: Upgrade to Pro Version 2.4.1  (Read 5509 times)


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Upgrade to Pro Version 2.4.1
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:02:43 am »
Dear All

Please upgrade pqGrid to Version 2.4.1 which is a bug fix version. There is no API change in grid for this version.

1) The following is the change log (fixes for the issues) for grid in this version.

   Incorrect header filter field widths when column.width in %
   Header filter fields cut off when column widths change due to flexContent:true
   Text same color as background in some themes e.g., Le-frog   
   last column auto should work only with virtualX:true
   sort event not firing with local sorting
   Error is thrown if grid is destroyed with pending remote request.
   refresh method of scrollbar.
   rowData in editor.getData callback.
   Lazy draggable with resizable columns for performance.
   Firefox scroll with height:'flex'
   Export to excel broken with hidden columns.

2) pqSelect is version 1.2.0 which adds following new features.

  collision detection
  position option based on jQueryUI position API
  swipe scrolling in touch devices. 

  removal of console.log statements in pqselect.min.js
  Radio button & Checkbox in popup menu not checked/unchecked when click directly.
  strange blue box at bottom when search is false.

Best Regards
The ParamQuery Team
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 07:17:01 pm by paramquery »