Hi Team,
I want to grid data locally without round trip to remote server.
So I have used a newest version of FileSaver.js(2018-03-22) with a sample code which is on your site(Demo Name is Local Export).
But it does NOT work correctly.
And then I have changed a old version of FileSaver.js(2014-01-24),is does work correctly.
Please let me know how to use a newest version of FileSaver.js with your sample code as follows.
$(function () {
function fillOptions(grid) {
var column = grid.getColumn({ dataIndx: 'ShipCountry' });
column.filter.options = grid.getData({ dataIndx: ['ShipCountry'] });
column.filter.cache = null;
var colM = [
{ title: "ShipCountry", width: 120, dataIndx: "ShipCountry",
filter: {
type: 'select',
prepend: { '': 'All Countries' },
valueIndx: 'ShipCountry',
labelIndx: 'ShipCountry',
condition: 'equal',
listeners: ['change']
{ title: "Customer Name", width: 130, dataIndx: "ContactName" },
{ title: "Freight", width: 120, format: '$##,###.00',
summary: {
type: "sum"
dataType: "float", dataIndx: "Freight"
{ title: "Shipping Via", width: 130, dataIndx: "ShipVia" },
//{ title: "Shipped Date", width: 100, dataIndx: "ShippedDate", dataType: "date" },
{ title: "Shipping Address", width: 220, dataIndx: "ShipAddress" },
{ title: "Shipping City", width: 130, dataIndx: "ShipCity" }
var dataModel = {
location: "remote",
dataType: "JSON",
method: "GET",
url: "/Content/orders.json"
//url: "/pro/orders/get",//for ASP.NET
//url: "orders.php",//for PHP
var groupModel = {
on: true,
dataIndx: ['ShipCountry'],
showSummary: [true],
grandSummary: true,
collapsed: [false],
title: [
"{0} ({1})",
"{0} - {1}"
var obj = {
height: 500,
toolbar: {
items: [
type: 'select',
label: 'Format: ',
attr: 'id="export_format"',
options: [{ xlsx: 'Excel', csv: 'Csv', htm: 'Html', json: 'Json'}]
type: 'button',
label: "Export",
icon: 'ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s',
listener: function () {
var format = $("#export_format").val(),
blob = this.exportData({
//url: "/pro/demos/exportData",
format: format,
render: true
if(typeof blob === "string"){
blob = new Blob([blob]);
saveAs(blob, "pqGrid."+ format );
dataModel: dataModel,
scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
colModel: colM,
numberCell: { show: false },
filterModel: { on: true, header: true, type: "local" },
selectionModel: { type: 'cell' },
groupModel: groupModel,
load: function (evt, ui) {
//options for ShipCountry filter.
showTitle: false,
resizable: true,
virtualX: true,
virtualY: true,
hwrap: false,
wrap: false
var grid = pq.grid("#grid_export", obj);