I'm having trouble getting the grid to display in jsfiddle. For some reason the heights are getting set to 0px or 1px ? Could you send me a starter jsfiddle that has the correct includes? (I can update links to the paramquery files if necessary. Ultimately I'd like to know how I'm supposed to set this up in JSFiddle so that it works.
Essentially I have two grids. Each one is sending grid updates to the other, both receiving these updates as a rowData object. I then need to update the grid based on the rowData sent:
1. Grid One receives an object that contains updated rowData from Grid Two.
The rowData sent from Grid Two comes from the "change" event which sends ui.updateList[0].rowData to Grid One.
NOTE: Ultimately, I need to send rowData updates from other sources besides pqgrids. So the rowData that is sent needs to be in a standard format that can be duplicated by other systems.
2. Grid One finds the rowIndx in it's grid for the rowData sent by Grid Two
3.Using that rowIndx and the rowData sent by Grid Two, Grid One updates that row with the rowData that was sent by Grid Two.
that and then updating it
Code that runs when updated rowData is received (sent into function by "change" through newrowdata variable) as described above:
var userowindx = editorgrid.getRowIndx( {rowData: newrowdata} );
editorgrid.updateRow( { rowData: newrowdata, rowIndx: userowindx.rowIndx });
I've attached the structure of what is being sent as the "newrowdata" (as shown in the console).