Sure thing.
The column HTML is a span element that is pre-caculated. Here's an example column value:
<span class="sparklines" sparktype="pie" sparkwidth="22" sparkheight="22" sparkslicecolors="[#00dd00,#ff0000,#eeee00,#777777]" sparkborderwidth="0" values="0,1,1,4"></span>
In the grid definition, I have the following:
refresh:function(event,ui) {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#datatable .sparklines').sparkline('html',{enableTagOptions:true,disableHiddenCheck:true});
I'm was using the setTimeout function so that the table will display faster for the user, then the charts show up a split second later. Without the setTimeout the table takes longer to display. I tried it without the setTimeout() at all and the problem appears to be less frequent, but I can still get it stuck in a refresh loop if I poke at it long enough.
If this continues, I'll try to setup a static size for height and width (rather than % or auto) and see if that fixes it. Although of course I'd prefer not to build my own size management code. I'd rather use the work you put into the grid to have it auto size
I'll try the autoSizeInterval too if things aren't working out...I prefer not to use an undocumented feature unless I absolutely have to.
Any other thoughts are welcomed, this issue is driving me a little nuts.
BTW, I'm only seeing this on IE8 so far (my minimum supported platform). I haven't been able to recreate it on Chrome or IE10.