Yes got your package and I have ideas. I have been checking The tutorial and the PHP section discusses using MySQL I downloaded the grid from git hub as suggested for the Config and it seems your using PDO to connect the MySQL Database. I am using (
SQLOLEDB) ADO.net to use with my connection to a remote Database server on another website and it works great just want to integrate your package the same way. I could hack the table columns and place the PHP code in the td tag to fill the grid but I really prefer to do it like the book. The connection string I am including which is almost the same as the config.php. The connection I am using is as follows
$myServer = "EXxWEB."; //This would be the ip address of your server running mssql or DNS name
$myUser = "connect"; //This would be the username that you have assigned on your server with access rights to the database
$myPass = "password"; //This would be the password for the user you have assigned on your server with access rights to the database
$myDB= "MSRBDMS"; //This would by the Database Name
$conn = new COM ("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO");
$connStr = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=".$myServer.";UID=".$myUser.";PWD=".$myPass.";DATABASE=".$myDB;
</code>I am looking to replace the MySQL connection code in the config.php with the above to use MS SQL 2008 r2 so is it possible for me to use the above to make the connection and still enjoy what your package has to offer. I have other uses for your package that will lend for saving allot of time coding.
Thank you