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Topics - Ajay

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Help for ParamQuery Pro / Unable to get event used for sorting
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:37:45 pm »
I am not able to get the datatype of the column,by which sorting is not happening correctly
Please find the code below

Code: [Select]
var records=[];

 records = JSON.parse($('#hiddenresults').val());
            $.each(records, function (i, data)
                if (data.Name == "Main")
                    mainData = data;

        var columnModel = [
                           title: "Name", dataIndx: "Name", width: 150, align: "left",
                           dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                               return stringSort(val1, val2);

                           title: "Interval", dataIndx: "Interval", width: 155, align: "left",
                           render: function (ui) {
                               var rowData = ui.rowData;
                               var isMain =rowData.UseMain;
                               var dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                               var cellData = rowData[dataIndx];
                               if (isMain == true)
                                   cellData = mainData.Interval;
                               return "<span >" + cellData + "</span>";
                           dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                               return stringSort(val1, val2);
                           title: "Exists", dataIndx: "HasValue", width: 100, align: "left",
                           render: function (ui) {
                                var rowData = ui.rowData;
                                var dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                                var cellData = rowData[dataIndx];
                                var isMain =rowData.HasValue;
                                var hasVal = "No";
                                if (isMain == true) {
                                    if (mainData.HasValue)
                                        hasVal = "Yes";
                                else {
                                    if (cellData != undefined && cellData != null && cellData == true)
                                        hasVal = "Yes";

                                return "<span >" + hasVal + "</span>";
    dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                               return stringSort(val1, val2);

            width: 1000,
            height: 160,
            editable: false,
            showTop: false,
            showBottom: false,
            numberCell: false,
            roundCorners: false,
            wrap: false,
            colModel: columnModel,
            dataModel: { data: records },
            hoverMode: 'row',
            selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
            virtualY: true,
            virtualX: true,
            rowSelect: function (event, ui) {
                    selectedRecord = ui.rowData;
            refresh: function (evt, ui) {
                var $grid = $(this),
                   virtualY = $grid.pqGrid('option', 'virtualY'),
                   length = $grid.pqGrid('pageData').length,
                   val = (length > 50) || (length == 0);//any cutoff number in place of 20

                if (val !== virtualY) {
                    $grid.find(".pq-sb-vert").pqScrollBar("option", "steps", val);
                    $grid.pqGrid('option', 'virtualY', val).pqGrid('refresh');

function  stringSort = function (val1, val2) {
        var c1 = $.trim(val1).toLowerCase();
        var c2 = $.trim(val2).toLowerCase();
        if (c1 > c2) {
            return 1;
        else if (c1 < c2) {
            return -1;
        else {
            return 0;

Please let me know how to capture sorting event in param query grid while initializing.

I am facing issue with the sorting operation in my pq grid.

Here is the code.
Code: [Select]
var records=[];

 records = JSON.parse($('#hiddenresults').val());
            $.each(records, function (i, data)
                if (data.Name == "Main")
                    mainData = data;

        var columnModel = [
                           title: "Name", dataIndx: "Name", width: 150, align: "left",
                           dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                               return stringSort(val1, val2);

                           title: "Interval", dataIndx: "Interval", width: 155, align: "left",
                           render: function (ui) {
                               var rowData = ui.rowData;
                               var isMain =rowData.UseMain;
                               var dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                               var cellData = rowData[dataIndx];
                               if (isMain == true)
                                   cellData = mainData.Interval;
                               return "<span >" + cellData + "</span>";
                           dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                               return stringSort(val1, val2);
                           title: "Exists", dataIndx: "HasValue", width: 100, align: "left",
                           render: function (ui) {
                                var rowData = ui.rowData;
                                var dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                                var cellData = rowData[dataIndx];
                                var isMain =rowData.HasValue;
                                var hasVal = "No";
                                if (isMain == true) {
                                    if (mainData.HasValue)
                                        hasVal = "Yes";
                                else {
                                    if (cellData != undefined && cellData != null && cellData == true)
                                        hasVal = "Yes";

                                return "<span >" + hasVal + "</span>";
    dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                               return stringSort(val1, val2);

            width: 1000,
            height: 160,
            editable: false,
            showTop: false,
            showBottom: false,
            numberCell: false,
            roundCorners: false,
            wrap: false,
            colModel: columnModel,
            dataModel: { data: records },
            hoverMode: 'row',
            selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
            virtualY: true,
            virtualX: true,
            rowSelect: function (event, ui) {
                    selectedRecord = ui.rowData;
            refresh: function (evt, ui) {
                var $grid = $(this),
                   virtualY = $grid.pqGrid('option', 'virtualY'),
                   length = $grid.pqGrid('pageData').length,
                   val = (length > 50) || (length == 0);//any cutoff number in place of 20

                if (val !== virtualY) {
                    $grid.find(".pq-sb-vert").pqScrollBar("option", "steps", val);
                    $grid.pqGrid('option', 'virtualY', val).pqGrid('refresh');

function  stringSort = function (val1, val2) {
        var c1 = $.trim(val1).toLowerCase();
        var c2 = $.trim(val2).toLowerCase();
        if (c1 > c2) {
            return 1;
        else if (c1 < c2) {
            return -1;
        else {
            return 0;

When  I tried to use to call above function it is not sorting properly.Even I tried with datatype"integer" and "bool" it did not work.

Please let me know how can i correct sorting.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / How to hide and enable column header
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:21:07 pm »
I am using paramquery pro 3.1.0 version.
Here is my pq grid intilisation code:

searchOrgGrid = $('#gridSearchOrgs');
                var columnModel = [{ title: "", dataIndx: "UID", hidden: true, width: 100, align: "left" },
                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.Name, dataIndx: "Name", width: 200, align: "left",
                                       dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                           return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);
                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.OrganizationId, dataIndx: "Id", width: 300, align: "left",
                                       dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                           return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);
                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.InstitutionCode, dataIndx: "InstitutionCode", width: 200, align: "left",
                                       dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                           return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);
                                      title: nmc.platform.strings.PartnerName, dataIndx: "PartnerName", editable: false, width: 100, align: "left", dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                         return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);
                    width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
                    height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
                    editable: false,
                    showTop: false,
                    showBottom: false,
                    numberCell: false,
                    roundCorners: false,
                    wrap: false,
                    colModel: columnModel,
                    dataModel: { data: [] },
                    hoverMode: 'row',
                    selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
                    virtualY: true,
                    virtualX: true,                 
                    refresh: function (evt, ui) {
                        var $grid = $(this),
                           virtualY = $grid.pqGrid('option', 'virtualY'),
                           length = $grid.pqGrid('pageData').length,
                           val = (length > 50) || (length == 0);//any cutoff number in place of 20

                        if (val !== virtualY) {
                            $grid.find(".pq-sb-vert").pqScrollBar("option", "steps", val);
                            $grid.pqGrid('option', 'virtualY', val).pqGrid('refresh');

                if (NMCApp.hasGlobalGrant(nmc.platform.grants.ManagePartners, false)) {
                    columnModel[6].hidden = false;
                    searchOrgGrid.pqGrid("option", "colModel", columnModel);

I am trying to hide 'partnername' column based on the condition,the condition is executing but still the column is visible.

I am not sure what is the issue.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Sorting not happening correctly
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:41:15 pm »
In Search screen,enter search criteria and press "Search" button.
search results are sorted by column "Revelence" in descending order.
I clicked on another column("Date") and data got sorted accordingly.Now in search results screen,i hit back to search criteria screen and clicked on search button.
The search results are returned with previous result sort order "Date" instead of default sort order "Relevence" column.
Can some one suggest how can I make the search results sort by "Relevence" column everytime i click on search button.


 var columnModel = [{
                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.LogStartDate, dataIndx: "DateLogStart", editable: false, width: 150, align: "left",
                                       render: function (ui) {
                                           var rowData = ui.rowData,
                                               dataIndx = ui.dataIndx,
                                               cellData = rowData[dataIndx];

                                           if (typeof cellData === "undefined")
                                               return "<span ></span>";
                                           else {
                                               var startDateTime = new Date(parseInt(cellData.substring(6, cellData.length - 2)));
                                               return "<span >" + NMCApp.toLocalDateTime(startDateTime,false) + "</span>";
                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.FileName, dataIndx: "OriginalFilename", width: 200, align: "left",
                                       dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                           return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);

                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.ProductName, dataIndx: "ProductName", width: 200, align: "left",
                                       dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                           return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);
                                      title: nmc.platform.strings.Relevance, dataIndx: "Relevence", width: 100, align: "left", hidden: false
                                       title: nmc.platform.strings.TaskID, dataIndx: "TaskID", width: 200, align: "left", hidden: true,

                                       dataType: function (val1, val2) {
                                           return NMCApp.stringSort(val1, val2);
                                   { title: 'LogGuid', dataIndx: 'LogGuid', hidden: true },

                        width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
                        height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
                        editable: false,
                        showTop: false,
                        showBottom: false,
                        hoverMode: 'row',
                        selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'block' },
                        numberCell: false,
                        roundCorners: false,
                        wrap: false,
                        colModel: columnModel,
                        virtualY: true,
                        virtualX: true,
                        dataModel: {

                            //sortIndx: "Relevence",
                            //sortDir: "down",
                            data: []
                        sortModel: {
                            cancel: false,
                            type: "local",
                            sorter: [{ dataIndx: "Relevence", dir: "down" }]

function searchLogsAjax() {
                type: 'GET',
                url: searchUrl + '&skip=' + startIndex,
                contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                dataType: 'json',
                processdata: false,
                cache: false,

                success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    if (data.length == NMCApp.getMaxSearchNumber() && NMCApp.isSearchCancelled() == false) {
                        serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("option", "", searchedSvrLogs);
                        serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("option", "dataModel.sortIndx", 5);
                        startIndex = startIndex + NMCApp.getMaxSearchNumber();
                    else {

                        var colM = serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("option", "colModel");
                        if (searchServerLogsViewModel.showSearchCriteriaTaskId()){

                            for (var i = 0; i < colM.length; i++) {
                                if (colM.dataIndx == "TaskID") {
                                    colM.hidden = false;
                        else {
                            for (var i = 0; i < colM.length; i++) {
                                if (colM.dataIndx == "TaskID") {
                                    colM.hidden = true;

                        serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("option", "colModel", colM);

                        serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("option", "", searchedSvrLogs);
                        serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("option", "dataModel.sortIndx", 5);

                        if (searchedSvrLogs.length > 0)
                            serverLogsGrid.pqGrid("setSelection", { rowIndx: 0 });


                        if (NMCApp.isSearchCancelled() == false) {
                            searchServerLogsViewModel.numberOfServerLogs(searchedSvrLogs.length + ' (cancelled)');
                error: function (request, status, error) {


I want to set the width of textbox in pQ grid column dynamically.
My issue is I am having textbox inside the PQ grid column.When the PQ column is expanded,the textbox width in the column need also to be expanded how can i achieve.

Here is my Code:
I am trying to set width from refresh event,but how can i get the width of pq grid column dynamically when expanded.
If there is any other way,Please let me know.

 var spokenPhraseColumnModel = [{
                title: nmc.strings.LeadingKeyword, dataIndx: 'LeadingKeyword', width: 200, editable: false, align: 'left', hidden: hideLeadingKeyword
                title: nmc.strings.SpokenPhrase, dataIndx: 'SpokenPhrase', width: 250, editable: false, align: 'left', render: function (ui) {
                        var rowData = ui.rowData, dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                        var val = rowData[dataIndx];
                        if (!isReadOnly)
                            return "<input class='spokenPhrase nmc-text' type='text' maxlength='150' value='" + val + "' style='height:23px;width:190px;color:rgb(33,33,33) !important' />";
                            return "<span >" + val + "</span>";
                    catch (error) {
            { title: nmc.strings.TrailingKeyword, dataIndx: 'TrailingKeyword', width: 200, editable: false, align: 'left', hidden: hideTrailingKeyword }];
                width: 760,
                height: 70,
                showTop: false,
                showBottom: false,
                hoverMode: 'row',
                selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
                bottomVisible: false,
                numberCell: false,
                roundCorners: false,
                sortModel: { on: false },
                wrap: false,
                colModel: spokenPhraseColumnModel,
                dataModel: { data: spokenPhrases },
                selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
                refresh: function (evt, ui) {
                    var grid = $(this);


I am trying to retrieve image in PQ Grid.
From the code, I am getting byte array.
so i converted back to base64string and tried to display,but the image is not displaying properly.
Here is my Code,

Please let me know If I am missing anything.

searchNhidGrid = $('#searchNhidGrid');
        var columnModel = [
                           { title: " Application name", dataIndx: "Name", width: 150, align: "left" },
                           { title: " Application description", dataIndx: "Description", width: 150, align: "left" },
                               title: "Application icon/logo", dataIndx: "Image", width: 150, align: "left",
                               render: function (ui) {
                                   var rowData = ui.rowData,
                                       dataIndx = ui.dataIndx,
                                       cellData = rowData[dataIndx];
                                   if (typeof cellData === "undefined")
                                       return "<span ></span>";
                                   else {
                                       var imageDisplay = cellData;
                                       var base64 = base64js.fromByteArray(imageDisplay); //converting bytearray to base64 string

                                       return '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,"' + base64 + '></img>';
                           { title: "Application Status", dataIndx: "Status", width: 150, align: "left" },
                           { title: "Partner GUID", dataIndx: "PartnerGuid", width: 150, align: "left" }
            width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
           height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
            editable: false,
            showTop: false,
            showBottom: false,
            hoverMode: 'row',
            selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
            numberCell: false,
            roundCorners: false,
            wrap: false,
            colModel: columnModel,
            dataModel: { data: [] }

Hi ,
 I have purchased the licensed version of pQ grid.
Before I am using PQ grid 1.1.3,the time it took to load the grid is far better than PQ3.0.0 version.
Here is my Code:

                width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
                height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
                editable: false,
                numberCell: false,
                roundCorners: false,
                wrap: false,
                colModel: columnModel,
                dataModel: { data: [] },
                showTop: false,
                showBottom: false,
                scrollModel: { pace: 'consistent' },
                hoverMode: 'row',
                selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },

                rowSelect: function (event, ui) {
                    try {
                         selectedUser = ui.rowData;
                    catch (error) {
                        NMCApp.showNMCExceptionWindow('Jquery Error:' + error);

function searchUsers() {
            type: 'GET',
            url: searchUrl + '&skip=' + startIndex,
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            dataType: 'json',
            processdata: false,
            cache: false,
            success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    if (data.length == NMCApp.getMaxSearchNumber() && NMCApp.isSearchCancelled() == false) {
                        searchUsrGrid.pqGrid("option", "", users);
                        startIndex = startIndex + NMCApp.getMaxSearchNumber();
                    else {
                        searchUsrGrid.pqGrid("option", "", users);
                        if (users.length > 0)
                            searchUsrGrid.pqGrid("setSelection", { rowIndx: 0 });
                        if (NMCApp.isSearchCancelled() == false) {
                            model.numberOfUsers(users.length + ' (cancelled)');
                catch (error) {
                    NMCApp.showNMCExceptionWindow('Jquery Error:' + error);
            error: function (request, status, error) {


1)Can you please let me know why the latest version is taking more time to load data on to the grid.
For example: I am having 45,000 records to display on Grid.
with PQ 1.1.3, it is taking less time  than 1:20
Where as  with PQ 3.0.0, it is taking more than 4 min.

2)One more query,I am showing one loading windows when the data is getting loaded in to the gird.
In pQ 1.1.3,it is allowing user to can cancel the loading window.
In PQ 3.0.0,it is not allowing user to Cancel the loading window and the browser get hangs.

Could you please let me know how to resolve the aboe issues.

 I am using  PQGrid evaluation version.
With free version of PQ Grid, I dont need to write any extra code for sorting and for getting data to display.

While using this evaluation version, I have to write extra line of code for  getting data to display and do sorting.

searchLicenseUsageGrid.pqGrid("option", "dataModel", { data: licenseUsers,sorting:'local',sortIndx:'nmsLogin' }); --this line for doing sorting
  searchLicenseUsageGrid.pqGrid("refreshView"); -->this line for getting data to display.

I am using PQ grid in multiple places in our application,now I have to change in every page in the application.
is there any alternative to do it in one place instead of adding lines in multiple places across the application.

In PQ Grid License version,is it different?Please explain.

I am using evaluation copy of PQGrid.
As per documentation,sorting is enabled by default in both Api documentation and Demos.

When i tried to do the same,sorting is not happening until i add the below line of code.

 searchLicenseUsageGrid.pqGrid("option", "dataModel", { data: data, sorting: 'local', sortIndx: 'name' });

Is it necessary to add every time in all the pq grids of the application?
Is there any alternative so that we can achieve with out adding the above line in all the pages?

I am using PQGrid evaluation support.
When I am having no rows,grid is displaying Text :"No rows to display".

How can i change or remove the text?

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / PQGrid not loading data in grid.
« on: June 12, 2015, 07:21:55 pm »
I am using PQGrid standard one.Now I have upgraded to PQGrid pro.

I have replaced the existing PqGrid.min.js with pro PQGRdi.min.js.
Now after upgrading I am not able to see the records.

In the picture below,there are 249 items,but it is showing as no records.

Here is my Code:
var columnModel = [{ title: nmc.platform.strings.Login, dataIndx: "nmsLogin", width: 150, align: "left"},
                               {title: nmc.platform.strings.LastName, dataIndx: "lastName", width: 130, align: "left"},
                               { title: nmc.platform.strings.FirstName, dataIndx: "firstName", width: 130, align: "left"},
                               { title: nmc.platform.strings.LastLogin, dataIndx: "lastLogin", width: 130, align: "left"},
                               { title: nmc.platform.strings.DaysLastLogin, dataIndx: "lastLogin", width: 150, align: "left"},
                               { title: nmc.platform.strings.TotalLoginCount, dataIndx: "loginCount", width: 150, align: "left" } ];

                width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
                height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
                editable: false,
                topVisible: false,
                bottomVisible: false,
                numberCell: false,
                roundCorners: false,
                wrap: false,
                colModel: columnModel,
                dataModel: { data: [] },
                scrollModel: { pace: 'consistent', horizontal: true }

function searchLicensedUsers() {
            type: 'GET',
            url: searchLicenseUsageUrl + '&skip=' + startIndex,
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            dataType: 'json',
            processdata: false,
            cache: false,
            success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                if (data.length == NMCApp.getMaxSearchNumber() && NMCApp.isSearchCancelled() == false) {
                    searchLicenseUsageGrid.pqGrid("option", "dataModel", { data: licenseUsers });
                    startIndex = startIndex + NMCApp.getMaxSearchNumber();
                else {
                    searchLicenseUsageGrid.pqGrid("option", "dataModel", { data: licenseUsers });
                    if (licenseUsers.length > 0)
                        searchLicenseUsageGrid.pqGrid("setSelection", { rowIndx: 0 });
                    if (NMCApp.isSearchCancelled() == false) {
                        model.numberOfLicenseUsers(licenseUsers.length + ' (cancelled)');
            error: function (request, status, error) {



I am using PQGrid  office theme in my project.
When I downloaded the PQGrid evaluation, i am not able to find the PQGrid office theme within  the PQGrid pro folder.

Can anyone provide me the path to get pqGrid Office theme.

or there is no update for PQGrid Office theme in pQGrid  pro version.

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / issue with param query pro
« on: June 08, 2015, 08:44:57 pm »

I have replaced the pqgrid.min.js with pqgrid.min.js pro version.

here is my Code:

                    width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
                    height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
                    editable: false,
                    topVisible: false,
                    bottomVisible: false,
                    numberCell: false,
                    roundCorners: false,
                    wrap: false,
                    colModel: columnModel,
                    dataModel: { data: [] },
                    scrollModel: { pace: 'consistent', horizontal: true });
I am facing issue like:

TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'pqGrid'
   at initialize
Earlier Iam  referencing both pqgrid.js and pqgrid.min.js.

No  i removed both the files and kept only pqgrid.min.js file of pro version.
I am getting issue because  pqgrid.js is not present?

or I am missing anything?

 I am using param Query grid and facing issue with the mouse wheel scroll.

 When the grid is loaded, I am having around 200 records,when i tried to scroll down the results vertically with mouse it is not scrolling.

here is my code for grid.
                        width: NMCApp.getSearchGridWidth(),
                        height: NMCApp.getSearchGridHeight(),
                        editable: false,
                        topVisible: false,
                        bottomVisible: false,
                        numberCell: false,
                        roundCorners: false,
                        wrap: false,
                        colModel: columnModel,
                        dataModel: { data: [] },
                        scrollModel: {  horizontal: false }

can anyone suggest what Iam doing wrong.
How can I scroll down the results with mouse as well?

Hi All,
I am uisng paramQuery grid for results.
If you scroll the horizontal scroll bar in the grid output, you will see that there are 4 or 5 empty columns on the right hand side of the grid.
In the scroll bar event, I am trying to find the css and remove that particular css.
 $('#gridDictationStatus .pq-grid-table').find('tr').not('.pq-row-hidden').find('td').each(function () {



But with this code, when i debug it is removing class for that particular <td>.
 when i see the Html,i am able to see the css for that particulat <td>.
 I want to know what I am doing wrong ?
Can we remove class for <td> thru jquery code?Is it possible?

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