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Topics - fuljoyment

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Hello Admin,

I am facing a problem with filtering the data in the pqGrid. The filter values filled remotely and we are using remote data.  I am using the following filter rule in my grid.

Code: [Select]
   title: "colorName", align: "center", dataIndx: "color", width: "120",
       filter: {
           crules: [{ condition: 'range'}]

As per my observations, if we have more than 150 filter values and do filtering by checking/unchecking them then  the data in the grid is not updating. Also, if we uncheck all then checking them one by one then the data is updating.

Note:- I am using Paramquery Version 6.2.4 with ASP.Net Core MVC..

Thanks in advance,

Hello Admin,

Problem 1: I am using the remote export for my Pivot grid.  When ever I clicked on 'Export' button the data is not exporting as expected for excel/csv type. 

Problem 2: I have implemented a grouped grid based on your demos ''.  When ever I clicked on 'Export' button the data is not exporting as expected for excel/csv type.  I got the similar issue as like pivot Grid.  Here also I am using Remote export only.

I think I have got the issue only if I used grouping in my grid.

Please help me out on this as this was the urgent requirement from my customer.

PS:I am using Paramquery Version 6.2.4 with ASP.Net Core MVC.

I am attaching the spread sheet error for your reference.

Thanks in advance,

Hello Admin,

I have created a pivot grid with 50 columns. After initial loading I have selected some specific columns with menuIcon.

Here I need to know,
  • How to get the selected/customized coulmns list on button click event from selecting the columns from menuIcon? (These are the columns after selecting from menuUI - Icon)
  • How to store the entire pivoted grid information(like: colModel, groupModel, dataModel...etc) after customizing the columns data and recreate/reload the existing grid with this stored grid information?

Please provide a demo or guide me how to achieve this because this is an urgent requirement for us.

PS:-I am using ParamQuery Pro v6.2.4 in my MVC project.

Thanks in advance,

Hello Admin,

When I clicked on 'Export' button there is a significant delay before the file was downloaded.  I want to show the loading message to the user so that user will understands that some action is going on.  So, I added $( ".selector" ).pqGrid( "showLoading" ) on Export button click.  I used 'setTimeout' to stop the Loader and used $( ".selector" ).pqGrid( "hideLoading" ) but it was not working as expected.

Code: [Select]
listeners: [{
                    "click": function (evt) {
                        var grid = this;
                        setTimeout(function () {
                                url: "CustOrdTable/exportData",
                                format: $("#export_format").val(),
                                render: true

Note: I think here setTimeout works when we want to export the local data.  This is not working with round trip to remote server.

    So, My question is
  • How we can show the loading message while data is getting ready for download with round trip to remote server?

Could you please suggest me what am doing wrong and if possible show me a demo on Exporting the Remote data with 'showLoading' and 'hideLoading'.

PS:-I am using ParamQuery Pro v6.2.4 in my MVC project.

Thanks in advance,

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Checkbox for autocomplete
« on: November 23, 2016, 09:51:38 pm »
hi I am using Autocomplete in the textbox field for the remote header filtering. Right now the user is able to select one item from the list generated using autocomplete.  Is it possible to create check box for the all the items that are generated in autocomplete, so that the user can select multiple options and filter for them? if so how?
My present code is below

            title: "xyz", width: 100, dataIndx: "xyz",
            filter: {
                type: "textbox",
                condition: 'equal',
                listeners:  'change',
                init: function () {
                        source: "userpage1/getresult",
                        selectItem: { on: true },
                        highlightText: { on: true },
                        minLength: 0,
                        delay: 500
                    }).focus(function () {     
                        $(this).autocomplete("search", " ");

I have one more problem, When a user types something in the filter textbox and hits enter, the page is redirected to default page. Can you please let me know how i can stop the page from being redirected to default application page.

Thank you in advance.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Export all the data
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:04:19 pm »
I am having a gird that consists of 80 columns and the total number of result rows are above 300000. So, i am using pagination and displaying only 1000 or 5000 or 10000 rows.
After applying filters and hiding some columns i want to export the data into Excel or Csv file. The export function is working fine, but the problem is it is exporting only 1000 or 5000 or 10000 rows.
Is there a way where i can export the total rows (appx. 1500000) after applying filters?

Thank you.

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