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Topics - qbsoft

Pages: [1]
Bug Report / The deletRow function operates abnormally.
« on: January 29, 2021, 03:43:58 pm »

I checked the abnormal operation of the deleteRow function.

The data I am testing is a list of 5 pages in total.
DeleteRow works normally on page 1 and 2.
However, it works abnormally on pages 3, 4, and 5.

The phenomenon is not deleting the selected row, but deleting the first row on the current page unconditionally.

The code I used is as follows.

Code: [Select]
var rowList = grid.Checkbox("state").getCheckedNodes().map(function (rowDataObj) {
            var rowIndxObj = grid.getRowIndx({ rowData: rowDataObj });
            return { rowIndx: rowIndxObj.rowIndx };
        grid.deleteRow({ rowList: rowList });

The rowIndx stamped on the console is displayed correctly.

However, the first row is deleted unconditionally.

Please help me.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / About the addRow method.
« on: January 28, 2021, 05:58:28 pm »

I have a question about the addRow method.

If you look at the attached screenshot, the first column (not the check box) is editable: undefined.
So it can't be modified.

What I want is that the first column can also be modified in the row created through the addRow method.
The other row should still be non-modifiable.

What should I do?


Remote data requests occur continuously when the number of lists(result from remote data) is zero. I don't know why remote data requests keep happening.

I want to stop the non-stop Remote data requests.

And if the number of remote data is zero, I want to show that 'there is no data' on the grid.

What should I do?

This is my environment.
language: C#, ASP.NET Webform (not MVC)

And Response data: {TotalRecords: 0, CurPage: 1, List: []}

Pages: [1]