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Messages - okamog

Pages: [1]
ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Re: Copy and Paste On Mac
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:17:26 pm »
Thank you! I'm looking forward to next release.

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Re: Copy and Paste On Mac
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:37:15 pm »
Is it with Command C / Command V or with context menu?

Both short cut key and context menu are available.

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Re: Copy and Paste On Mac
« on: October 12, 2014, 05:56:43 pm »
thank you for your help

1) Does it work on other browsers ( e.g., Safari ) on Mac.

* Chrome
** Copy(Command + C) and Paste(Command + V) doesn't work
** Menu of Copy and Paste in application menu bar is active
** In inline editing mode, Copy and Paste works

* Safari
** Copy(Command + C) and Paste(Command + V) doesn't work
** menu of Copy and Paste in application menu bar is even inactive
** In inline editing mode, Copy and Paste works ( menu of copy and paste is active)

2) Does copy paste works for other fields/apps ( e.g., copy from any textbox on a web page and paste to iWorks ) in Chrome on Mac.

* From a textbox on a web page To Cell on Numbers : work
* From Cell on Numbers To a textbox on a web page :work
* From ParamQuery To ParamQuery : doesn't work
* From a textbox on a web page To ParamQuery : doesn't work

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Copy and Paste On Mac
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:43:59 am »
It seems Copy and Paste doesn't work with Chrome on Mac

I tried this demo.

Can anybody help me?

Pages: [1]