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Messages - kshipra

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Tool tip for Exxon "Mobil"  as text gets truncated. It shows only Exxon. Tool tip for user gets truncated.

Suggest new features / Re: Filtering on nested grid
« on: September 12, 2019, 10:38:32 pm »
Can this be added as feature request for a global text filter on toolbar that can search nested grids in main grid?

Suggest new features / Filtering on nested grid
« on: September 11, 2019, 10:01:08 pm »

I have similar nested grid. I would like to enable filtering for data in nested grids. So if there are same product names in multiple nested grids it should display parent records along with nested data.

How can I do that?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Issue with textarea editor grid 5.6.1
« on: April 29, 2019, 11:28:20 pm »
If  === or == are entered in text editor at start without double quotes, it gives out an error : Unexpected token === and replaces the rest of text

When should I expect this to be fixed?

I have hierarchical grid, which freezes when 6000 rows are loaded with 15 columns on parent and detail grid.
I reduced data sent to grid and then it started working properly. I have virtualX and virtualY  enabled.
I am using grid 5.6.1

Is this functionality fixed?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Issue with nested grids
« on: March 13, 2019, 10:02:09 pm »
I have report with hierarchical nested grids.
I have set the nested grid height to 'flex' and scrollModel to autofit.  Sub grid is not expanding to its full length.

Same code was working in v3.3 but with new upgrade now it is not working. I am using pqgrid 5.6.1.

Code: [Select]


<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>   
<link href="pqgrid.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>

    <script src=""></script>

    <script src="pqgrid.min.js"></script>

    var platforms;
    var $grid;
        .ready(function() {

            $grid = $("#eventcodes_grid");                 

            var nestedData = [{ "Code": "0x08", "Count": 7, "data": [{ "Mask": "0x01", "Count": 6, "data": [{ "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "XXX" }, { "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "YYY" }, { "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "ZZZ" }, { "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "MMM" }, { "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "NNN" }, { "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "DDD" }] }, { "Mask": "0x81", "Count": 1, "data": [{ "Name": "ABC.XYZ", "Place": "RRR" }] }] }];

            var subContinentModel = function(data) {
                return {
                    dataModel: { data: data },
                    colModel: [
                            title: "",
                            minWidth: 27,
                            maxWidth: 27,
                            type: "detail",
                            resizable: false,
                            editable: false,
                            sortable: false
                        { title: 'Mask', dataIndx: 'Mask' },
                        { title: 'Count', dataIndx: 'Count' }
                    height: 'flex',
                    numberCell: { show: true },
                    scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
                    showTop: false,
                    detailModel: {
                        init: function(ui) {
                            var rowData = ui.rowData,
                                rdata =,
                                model = (rdata[0] && rdata[0].data) ? subContinentModel(rdata) : countryModel(rdata),
                                $grid = $("<div></div>").pqGrid(model);

                            return $grid;


            var countryModel = function(data) {
                return {
                    dataModel: { data: data },
                    colModel: [
                        { title: 'Name', dataIndx: 'Name' },
                        { dataIndx: 'Place', title: 'Place' }
                    height: 'flex',
                    maxHeight: 300,
                    numberCell: { show: true },
                    scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
                    showTop: false

                    height: 'flex',
                    width: 600,                   
                    dataModel: { data: nestedData },
                    scrollModel: { autoFit: true, flexContent: true },
                    colModel: [
                            title: "",
                            minWidth: 27,
                            maxWidth: 27,
                            type: "detail",
                            resizable: false,
                            editable: false,
                            sortable: false
                        { title: 'Code', dataIndx: 'Code' },
                        { title: 'Count', dataIndx: 'Count' }
                    numberCell: { show: false },
                    title: "<b>Continent & Countries</b>",
                    resizable: true,
                    detailModel: {
                        init: function(ui) {
                            var rowData = ui.rowData,
                                model = subContinentModel(,
                                $grid = $("<div></div>").pqGrid(model);

                            return $grid;


    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">

            <div class="row">
        <div class="panel-body" style="height: 100%">
            <div id="eventcodes_grid" style="font-family: Intel Clear;"></div>

I wanted to update dependent column cell based on cell in 1st column. If I remove data using delete key on the cell , the cellSave event does not get fired.


Thank you for your current help. Which release should I expect this support to be available?
Currently I have to  modify all of my screens to support these changes.

var sel = $grid.pqGrid("Selection");
var arr = sel.getSelection();

getSelection gives me whole big array with multiple rows data in it.
I need to have array for each selected row. I do not have fixed columns, they can choose columns so for me to figure out how many rows are selected is hard.

How can I find that out?

I feel this is kind of hack or quick fix.
Can you support this capability in upcoming releases of the grid ?  That would be really great if you can do that.

I tried the code provided. I found 2 issues with it:

1. It is not selecting multiple rows with shift and ctrl keys
2. I have functionality of copying data from selected rows.

This is not working. It is not returning any data.

By default  simultaneous support of cell and row selections as in excel. An user should not be made to choose an option if he/she wants to have row selection or cell selection enabled.

It is working properly in this version of grid

Here user has to choose which selection he wants to have

 We have users that work heavily in excel and we are trying to give them same functionality on web. This is basic functionality of excel that should not have been broken in upgraded versions. You are breaking user base applications and not supporting us. I have to answer to my users as to why this functionality is not working anymore. I told them I am working with pqgrid team on this.

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