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Messages - nsymons

Pages: [1]
ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Paramquery Pro License registration
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:16:26 pm »

A new license was purchased for Paramquery Pro for my company use, please upgrade this account to pro with:

Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx2906


Changed. That fixes the filter row not properly displaying but causes an undesired effect of all title header rows being too tall with extra dead space (Just edit the integer to 40 on to see the effect I am talking about). Is there not a fix to edit just the height of the filter row and not every row in the header to resolve the issue of the checkboxes and filter shift on click. Attached is a before the proposed fix with headers and filter row not showing and a after proposed fix with filter row showing but the header titles too large.


Setting to anything above 25 does the following:

rowHtHead is an integer only as per the API, when I assign the values of 1 and 2 the following occurs which does not improve the issue. As the number increases it just continues to grow. All of the column header titles are hidden, as the integer increases the bottom column header shows but the column grouping header continues to not show.

acl.obj = {
    width: 'auto',
    height: 'flex',
    maxHeight: '100%',
    rowHeight : '19',
    hwrap: false,
    numberCell: {show: false},
    selectionModel: { type: 'null' },
    autoRowHead: false,
    rowHtHead: '0',
    filterModel: { on: true, mode: "AND", header: true, menuIcon: false,
        gridOptions: {
          numberCell: { show: false },
          flex: { on: true },
          showHeader: false,
    freezeCols: 3,
    postRenderInterval: -1,
    dataReady: function(event, ui){calculateSummary(this); },
    change: function(event, ui){calculateSummary(this); },
    columnTemplate: {hvalign: 'bottom'},
    complete: function(event, ui){calculateSummary(this); },
    editorEnd: function(event, ui){ sanitizeInputGrid(this, event, ui); },
      { dataIndx: 'cb', title: '', cb: {all: true, header: true, select: true, check: "true", uncheck: "false"}, type: 'checkbox',
        editor: false, sortable: false, minWidth: 30, maxWidth:30, align: "center"},
      { title: "CP Number", dataType: "string", dataIndx:'cpNumber', nodrag: true, editable: false, minWidth: 110, maxWidth: 120,
            filter: { crules: [{condition: 'begin'}], }},
      { title: "CP Name", dataType: "string", dataIndx:'cpName', nodrag: true, editable: false, minWidth: 385, maxWidth: 385,
         filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'begin'}] }},
      { title: "Collateral", colModel:[
        { title: "Secured", dataType: "string", dataIndx:'colSecured', nodrag: true, editable: false, minWidth: 115, maxWidth: 160, align: "right",
          sortType: sortNumbers,
          filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'customFilter' }] },
          render: function(ui){
            return formatNumber(ui.rowData.colSecured);
        { title: "Unsecured (GA+UCL)", dataType: "string", dataIndx:'colUnSecured', nodrag: true, editable: false, minWidth: 140, maxWidth: 140, align: "right",
            sortType: sortNumbers,
            filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'customFilter' }] },
            render: function(ui){
              return formatNumber(ui.rowData.colUnSecured);

Now with this option specified. My filters are not completely displaying on any grid. See attachments.

Thanks for the quick response. I was not aware of this option.


With 7.2 when a grid has a filter row setup to filter the columns and a column with checkboxes, whenever a checkbox is clicked the filter row resizes by upwards of 30px and this causes whole grid shifts up temporarily causing a poor user experience for users attempting to click multiple checkboxes in a row. If you remove the filtering row the grid does not shift.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Click any data row checkbox in Paid column on linked fiddle that is not a header/filter checkbox.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Need help registering new License.
« on: July 31, 2019, 12:16:17 am »

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Need help registering new License.
« on: July 30, 2019, 08:05:26 pm »
I can not find a direct way to update my license with my new license purchased through my company for my account. Please inform me on the instructions to do so.

WW MSO#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



When the user selects the last row of data in the grid the grid will fill out to the maxHeight value set and displays white space under the last row of data. When the user then selects the top row the white space disappears and the height of the grid is changed to the proper height with height: 'flex' to not display white space after the final row of data. This only occurs when there is not enough data to fill the grid to its maxHeight. Is this an issue with just the Pro v3.3.2?

Here is a snippet of the object.

var cashObj = {
  width: 'auto',
  height: 'flex',
  maxHeight: 650,
  freezeCols: 4,
  virtualX: true,
  virtualY: true,
  numberCell: {show: false},
  title: "Cash",

Pages: [1]