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ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / selected row Formatting
« Last post by mikep on July 26, 2024, 09:20:09 pm »
Hello, can you suggest how to apply a "strikethrough" formatting to the selected row? If not possible, I'd like to apply a style for the row

                    title: "Action", editable: true, width: 140,
                    editor: {
                        type: 'select',
                        options: ['', 'Edit Resource', 'Remove Resource'],
                        init: function (ui) {
                            ui.$editor.on('change', function () {
                                 if ($(this).val() == "Remove Resource") {
                                    var rd = ui.rowData
                                    rd.ResourceName = "Resource will be Deleted"
                          'color', "grey")  //this line doesn't work, but I want to format the row with "strikethrough" format to indicate it's going to be deleted
Just added before filling the grid ( before filling the  grid making the accordion open ).

I also was thinking the same.

Implemented it, and it worked.

Thanks for the reply.
Mohan Raj K
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Error after ColModel Date Format in result view
« Last post by paramvir on July 26, 2024, 11:25:22 am »
dataType: date is used for date or datetime fields. It should be valid javascript recognizable date in either of these formats:

mm/dd/yy e.g., 07/04/1776
ISO 8601 format yy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss e.g., 1776-07-04T08:20:01 or 1776-07-04
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Error after ColModel Date Format in result view
« Last post by necatiozbek on July 25, 2024, 09:50:53 pm »

My Database incoming date value is as follows : '07.06.2023 14:35' > day.month.year

In ColModel, I format the date field as dataIndx: "ISLEM_TARIHI", dataType: "date", format: '',  or format: '',

For example, if the incoming data is 07.06.2023, the date shown in the grid is 06.07.2023.( first attached picture) -day and month change places

If I don't format the Date field in colModel the view is correct  > dataIndx: "ISLEM_TARIHI", dataType: "date" > result second picture
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Custom formatting in column header
« Last post by paramvir on July 25, 2024, 09:05:49 am »
you can write title / header of a column in simple html and inline css.

Code: [Select]
title: "<p>Rank</p><p style='font-weight:bold;'>Email</p>"
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Custom formatting in column header
« Last post by markn on July 25, 2024, 04:25:10 am »
Is there a way to do custom html/css in a column header in the grid.

                                var row = {
                                    title: studentname ,
                                    align: "center",
                                    colModel: colDT

This would put the student name in for the colum header.  I would like to put more information in the header.  Put in something like name and then underneath email and so on.

Something like:

phone number

and add some custom css to the various values.

I hope that makes sense.
font-size can also be set with and it works fine.
Please find the event corresponding to open state of accordion and call refresh method of the grid in that event.
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