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for the already filled rows
I am able to see all the columns listed in variable  mMajor[0/1/2 row ].  i am getting all the fields. but for the newly inserted only the values specified fields are listing.

please point out where i am missing.
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: custom summation?
« Last post by paramvir on August 26, 2024, 05:42:42 pm »
Let's simplify it.

If the 1st value ( numerator ) is variable and 2nd value ( denominator ) is fixed, then you can keep numerator in the data and display denominator in column.render callback.

Code: [Select]
column.render = function(ui){
   return ui.cellData + "/10%";

This way only numerator would be shown in the editor when cell is edited.

And to compute values in a column depending upon corresponding values in other columns of same row, please use any of the following examples to set up column dependency.
Hi This is the function I have writtten in cellSave ( modified from EditorEnd )         

editor: {
                            type: 'select',
                            attr: 'multiple',
                            labelIndx: 'description',
                            valueIndx: 'lcid',
                            init: function (ui) {
                                if (ui.dataIndx === 'noofwiresahead' || ui.dataIndx === 'noofwiresback') {
                            getData: function (ui) {
                                return ui.$cell.find("select").val();


 function fn_Major_cellSave(event, ui) {

                if (ui.dataIndx === 'caseid') {
                    if (ui.rowData?.caseid !== null && ui.rowData?.caseid !== "" ) {
                       // this.refreshRow({ rowIndx: ui.rowIndx });


    function fn_major_caseid_selection(ui) {

                var optionvalues = ui.rowData.caseid;
                var optionvaluesarr = optionvalues.split(",");
                ui.rowData.caseid = optionvaluesarr[0] ?? null;
                var mWire=$("#grid_wire_details").pqGrid("option", "");
                var mMajor = $("#grid_MajorLoading_details").pqGrid("option", "");

                for (i = 0; i <= optionvaluesarr.length - 1; i++) {
                    for (j = 1; j < mWire.length; j++) {
                        if (i == 0 && j == 1) { //If Multiple Selections done, then 1
                            ui.rowData.conductortype_left = mWire[j].ahead_name;
                            ui.rowData.conductor_left_right_details = 'Identical';
                        } else {
                            mMajor[mMajor.length - 1].casid = optionvaluesarr;
                            mMajor[mMajor.length-1].conductortype_left = mWire[j].ahead_name;
                            mMajor[mMajor.length-1].conductor_left_right_details = 'Identical';                         
                            //    {
                            //        newRow: {},
                            //        refresh: true
                            //    }

                //$("#grid_MajorLoading_details").pqGrid("option", "refresh")
                $("#grid_MajorLoading_details").pqGrid("option", "", mMajor);
                $("#grid_MajorLoading_details").pqGrid("option", "refreshDataAndView");
                $("#grid_MajorLoading_details").pqGrid("option", "refresh")
                //$("#grid_MajorLoading_details").pqGrid("option", "refreshDataAndView");


Not adding rows and reserial and default values

But if i do operation another time / any other operation. then the inserted rows gets reflected.

Suggest a event for proper updation.
init: function (ui) {
                                        let selOptions = ui.cellData.split(',').map(Number);
                                        var $select = ui.$cell.find("select");
                                            checkbox: true,
                                            multiplePlaceholder: 'Select Insulator',
                                            width: '100%',
                                        //let selOptions = [1, 2];

able to set the cell values to the select list options as selected.

Thanks for your support
Help for ParamQuery Pro / custom summation?
« Last post by markn on August 24, 2024, 01:29:31 am »
I am going to try and explain this as best I can and provide an image that I hope will help explain it as well.  In each cell of my grid I have some custom html that actually has two different values in it.  If you look at the image you will see 10 /10% in row 5.  The second value is always static; it is set when the grid is loaded and cannot be changed by the user.  However, the first value can be changed. Using the example above a user could type in 37 and you would see 37/10%.  What I need help with is to sum all of those first values and display that total in another cell.  In the image example, if I have two values on the same row 10/10% and 17/20%, in one column I would sum the first values (27) and in another column I would have the second value sum (30).
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Row Height Wrapping Canceling
« Last post by paramvir on August 23, 2024, 03:25:20 pm »
cell wrapping works only in case of single line of text.

In order to set fixed height of rows irrespective of content, you can set autoRow to false.

thanks for the reply. the error gone( my faulty code )

but how to set the select list check boxes with the value present in the cell data. for a multiple values ( if the cell has value like '1,2'  , then 1 and 2 option should be selected ).
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Row Height Wrapping Canceling
« Last post by necatiozbek on August 23, 2024, 02:07:32 pm »
I have a cell that contains very long text. Even though the wrapping is false in my object, the cell height increases.
How do I set a height that cuts the text inside

I want normal cell height that Cuts Text

var grid_chnotlari_obj = {
                    width: "auto",
                    height: "200",
                    showHeader: true,
                    selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'block' },
                    wrap: false,
                    scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
                    collapsed: false,
                    colModel: [
                            dataIndx: "CREDATE", title: "Not.Tarihi", dataType: "date", format: '',
                            width: "10%",
                            title: "Not Başlık", dataIndx: "NOT_BASLIK"
                            title: "Not", dataIndx: "NOT_ACIKLAMA"

                            title: "Oluşturan", dataIndx: "CREUSER", width: 500, editable: false,
                            width: "10%",
                    dataModel: {
                        data: []
In that case, it's pq_gtitle instead of pq_gsummary

Also change the column editor from static object to callback that returns object conditionally depending upon ui.rowData.pq_gtitle value.

Example of conditional editors is here:

Please share a jsfiddle if still facing issues.
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