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It has nothing to do with jQuery/ jQueryUI but this is how scrollModel.autoFit works for now, the horizontal scrollbar is never displayed with this option.

The feature to display a horizontal scrollbar when column widths reach their minimum and no space remains for scrollModel.autoFit has been reintroduced in the upcoming version.
This feature was available in older versions of pqgrid but lost when we migrated to smooth native scrolling in v5.

It has been reintroduced in upcoming version, thanks for your feedback.
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Using loadState in grouped fields
« Last post by omerix on March 17, 2025, 06:52:16 pm »
Yes, interestingly enough, sometimes the error does not appear in the console.

But if you try this, loadState doesn't seem to work when "colmodel" is used inside "colmodel".

- Drag and drop the "Order Date" column between the "Required Date" and "Shipped Date" columns.
- Then click the saveState button
- When you refresh the page and run the loadState function, you will see that the change has not been saved.
I had try this by removing "scrollModel.autoFit:  true", but then empty columns are showing on the right hand side of the grid, if columns has less in grid.
Also i have try with other jqueryUI version. but still not worked. Currently i am using jqueryUI version 1.14.1 which is latest version.
Thanks , Its working.
Thanks for reporting the issue. It's caused by change in functioning of jquery show method in 3.x, it only works if the element is attached to DOM.

There are 2 alternate ways to fix it.

1) Use this patch:

Code: [Select]
$.paramquery.pqGrid.prototype.showLoading = function () {
  this.loading = true
  this.$loading[0].style.display = "block"

2. Change the detailModel.init method

Code: [Select]
        init: function (ui) {
          var rowData = ui.rowData,
            detailobj = gridDetailModel(this, rowData), //get a copy of gridDetailModel
            $grid = $("<div/>") //.pqGrid(detailobj) //init the detail grid.

          setTimeout( _ => $grid.pqGrid(detailobj) );

          return $grid

Please ensure to upgrade jqueryUI also to one of the latest versions compatible with jquery 3.7.1.

Please remove the scrollModel.autoFit:  true option to display the horizontal scrollbar when required.

I have upgraded PQ Grid version to 9.1.1 from 3.3 and JQuery version to 3.7.1 from 2.1.4.

After upgraded this, in PQ grid Horizontal scrollbar not getting displayed, if columns having more in grid.

In my case PQ grid column's are not fixed. I can select/unselect column's from dropdown also to display in the grid as per requirement. previously it was working as expected.

Please advise.
Hi Paramvir, I found the cause of issue its because of jQuery version Library v3.7.1 . So any work around for jQuery 3x version as it working fine with jQuery 2x. versions ?
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Using loadState in grouped fields
« Last post by paramvir on March 11, 2025, 03:19:33 pm »
Is there any particular sequence of events which cause the error.

I've clicked the saveState and loadState buttons a couple of times while continuously changing various grid options, such as the group-by column, order of columns, page number, etc., but I haven't been able to reproduce the error so far.
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