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I tried integrating , pqSelect with pqGrid for a column,

I am not getting the checkbox option.

If I use pqSelect in isolated aspx page(without integrating with pqgrid ), able to see the checkbox.( using the same code. )

( Only one difference used bootstrap.min.css when integrating with pqgrid, which is coming from pqgrid, if I use pqselect bootstrap, it conflicts )

Also I tried using  cellSave instead of EditorEnd, but getting error

pqgrid.min.js:10 Uncaught
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dataIndx')
    at d.saveCell (pqgrid.min.js:10:17101)
    at d._digestData (pqgrid.min.js:11:15900)
    at a.updateRow (pqgrid.min.js:14:23726)
    at d.saveEditCell (pqgrid.min.js:11:13778)
    at p._saveAndMove (pqgrid.min.js:12:5277)
    at p._keyDownInEdit (pqgrid.min.js:12:7641)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (pqgrid.min.js:11:22116)
    at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5233:27)
    at elemData.handle (jquery.js:5040:28)
d.saveCell   @   pqgrid.min.js:10
d._digestData   @   pqgrid.min.js:11
a.updateRow   @   pqgrid.min.js:14
d.saveEditCell   @   pqgrid.min.js:11
p._saveAndMove   @   pqgrid.min.js:12
p._keyDownInEdit   @   pqgrid.min.js:12
(anonymous)   @   pqgrid.min.js:11
dispatch   @   jquery.js:5233
elemData.handle   @   jquery.js:5040

Here is my code

title: "Type of Insulator Left", dataIndx: "typeofinsulaleft", dataType: "string", align: "right", halign: "center", width: 90, sortable: false,
                                editor: {
                                    type: 'select',
                                    init: function (ui) {
                                        var $select = ui.$cell.find("select");
                                            checkbox: true,
                                            multiplePlaceholder: 'Select Insulator',
                                            width: '100%',
                                    valueIndx: "id",
                                    labelIndx: "name",
                                    mapIndices: { "id": "typeofinsulaleft" },
                                    options: [{ id: 1, name: "1" }, { id: 2, name: "2" }, { id: 3, name: "3" }, { id: 4, name: "4" }],

                                    //$select.options = options;
                                    //Set the initial value if cell data is available
                                    //if (ui.cellData != null) {
                                    //    $select.pqSelect('val', ui.cellData);

                                    //        //var val = ui.cellData == null ? "" : ui.cellData;
                                    //        ////var mOptions = [{ id: 1, name: "Option 1" }, { id: 2, name: "Option 2" }];

                                    //        //ui.$cell.find("select").pqSelect({
                                    //        //    checkbox: true,
                                    //        //    multiplePlaceholder: 'Select Zone',
                                    //        //   // data: mOptions,
                                    //        //    width: '100%',
                                    //        //    labelIndx: "name",
                                    //        //    valueIndx: "id"
                                    //        //})//.on("change", function (evt) {
                                    //        ////    var val = $(this).val();
                                    //        ////    alert(val);
                                    //        ////}).pqSelect('open');
                                        //also implement getData callback.
                                        getData: function (ui) {
                                            return ui.$cell.find("select").val();
                                editable: function (ui) {
                                    if (ui.rowData?.conductor_left_right_details === 'Referred') {
                                        return false;
                                    } else { return true; }
                                validations: [
                                    /*{ type: 'regexp', value: '^(\d+(,\d+)*)?$', msg: 'Not in Proper format' },*/
                                        type: function (ui) {

                                            var val = ui.value;
                                            let pt = /^(\d+(,\d+)*)?$/;
                                            if (!(pt.test(val))) {
                                                // alert('Not a valid value ');
                                                ui.msg = "Not a Valid Value : " + val;
                                                return false;


Edited ,  Checkbox is coming

type: 'select',
attr: "multiple='multiple'"

 , But after selecting unable to move outside the cell, getting error

Thank you for reporting issue, it's found that filter.init callback is not called for the 2nd filter condition in the filter menu.

This has been fixed in the upcoming version.
Bug Report / Issue with Date Filters in ParamQuery Grid with Custom Date Formats
« Last post by TenarisDev on August 21, 2024, 08:41:38 pm »
Hello Support Team,

We are encountering an issue with date filters in ParamQuery Grid when the date column is formatted using a custom format function. Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

1. Go to the ParamQuery demo:
2. Modify the singleFilter option to false in the configuration and rerun the demo:
menuUI: {
    singleFilter: false
3. Try to filter the "Order Date" column using both "Greater Than" and "Less Than" options (see attachment):
Select the first date from the date picker.
Select the second date from the date picker.

4. Observed Behavior:

The filter does not apply correctly.
The second date textbox is left empty.
An error appears in the console:
jquery-ui.min.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: t.charAt is not a function
    at s.formatDate (jquery-ui.min.js:9:8028)
    at s._formatDate (jquery-ui.min.js:9:20968)
    at s._selectDay (jquery-ui.min.js:9:4109)
    at HTMLTableCellElement.selectDay (jquery-ui.min.js:9:11648)
    at HTMLTableCellElement.dispatch (jquery-2.2.4.min.js:3:7537)
    at r.handle (jquery-2.2.4.min.js:3:5620)
We would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue.

Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards.
groupModel: groupModel

                var groupModel = {
                    on: true,
                    title: ["{0} ", "{0} "],
                    summaryEdit: false,
                    headerMenu: false,
                    indent: 20,
                    summaryInTitleRow: 'all', //to display summary in the title row.
                   dataIndx: ["ResourceType", "proj"],
                   collapsed: [false]
How can I update this column, to not show anything in the summary rows when grouped?

Where have you defined the summary rows?
thank you.
-none of the rows have a value for pq_gsummary (see attachment)
-if the user were to click this column in the summary row, would they see the drop down values? I don't want that to happen

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Filter drop down value to be different to displayed
« Last post by jplevene on August 20, 2024, 09:12:31 pm »

Please could you also give the option to put the values (as it does currently) or just the quantity cheked.

Also, do you have an ETA for the next version?

By excluding rows having pq_gsummary in render callback.

Code: [Select]
if( !ui.rowData.pq_gsummary ){
   return '<a style="color:blue" >Actions</a>'
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Filter drop down value to be different to displayed
« Last post by paramvir on August 20, 2024, 08:11:12 pm »
2) Filling in the column header filter cell with custom value is not feasible currently, it has been added in the upcoming version.
Bug Report / Re: type datetime render
« Last post by paramvir on August 20, 2024, 07:30:53 pm »
This issue was fixed in v9.0.2
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