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Bug Report / Re: Bug in edit select demo version 9 and 10
« Last post by paramvir on November 05, 2024, 06:59:14 am »
To show warning with red triangle, set pasteModel.allowInvalid to true.
Bug Report / Re: Bug in edit select demo version 9 and 10
« Last post by hyh888 on November 05, 2024, 06:19:29 am »
Dear Team,
In, when wrong data were copied into 1st column, there is no any warning(a red triangle will be more freindly) and wrong data disappeared.
For end users, that's horrible, they could not find that some data are wrong or missed. It will be better if there is friendly warning to mind them to correct the wrong data in pqgrid in place.
Bug Report / Re: Bug in edit select demo version 9 and 10
« Last post by paramvir on November 04, 2024, 07:06:40 pm »
Please also set pasteModel.allowInvalid to false along with the validations to prevent unwanted data while copy paste.

Bug Report / Re: Bug in edit select demo version 9 and 10
« Last post by hyh888 on November 04, 2024, 01:47:49 pm »
Dear Team,
Would you like to give me a sample to help?
It seems only date column has demo to handle this problem, but many lines of code should be added.
Bug Report / Re: Bug in edit select demo version 9 and 10
« Last post by paramvir on November 04, 2024, 01:33:31 pm »
This is not a bug, use validations to prevent unwanted data.
Bug Report / Bug in edit select demo version 9 and 10
« Last post by hyh888 on November 04, 2024, 01:14:46 pm »
In, user can batch copy unexpectable data into select-element columns(column 1 and column 3) without being warned.
It's also happen in version 10.
It seems there are many bugs for select in other demos  too.
If there's a way to show warning, would you like to add it in demo?
For select colulmn in, illegal data are unable to copied into grid.
For select colulmn in, illegal data can be copied into grid(column 2) without warning.
I spotted this on a mobile when I turned it to portrait.

My page has a bunch of text and images then the grid on the bottom of the page.  My grid has minimum height, so turning portrait might mean the lower rows are off the screen and a screen (not grid) scroll up needed to show the rest of the grid. 

ISSUE: I load the screen portrait and due to the height of my top section, I can only see the top row of my grid. When I do a page scroll (not grid scroll), the rows that were off screen are blank, unless I refresh or even do a grid scroll then the rows appear.

I'll try and get a demo up tomorrow.
Suggest new features / On single line text search on column filter, add a "X"
« Last post by jplevene on November 02, 2024, 11:43:35 pm »
On the column filter when it is a single line text, add an "X" or make it type="search" instead of type="text".

I tried making them type="search", however when clicking the "X" it doesn't trigger the filter.
Suggest new features / Re: Quick and simple documentation request
« Last post by jplevene on October 30, 2024, 03:36:25 pm »
Sorry, misseed the top bit

Code: [Select]
<nav class="navbar navbar-default" style="position:sticky; top:0;">
Adding 'style="position:sticky; top:0;"' also looks better and doesn't leave the blank space above "+ Options"
Bug Report / Re: Another v10.0.0 bug with fix
« Last post by paramvir on October 30, 2024, 01:08:30 pm »
Thanks for sharing the steps to reproduce the error.
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